XI, 127.
the student, enters, if he breaks his vow, the Maruts, Puruhûta (Indra), the teacher (of the gods, Brihaspati) and Pâvaka (Fire).
123. When this sin has been committed, he shall go begging to seven houses, dressed in the hide of the (sacrificed) ass, proclaiming his deed.
124. Subsisting on a single (daily meal that consists) of the alms obtained there and bathing at (the time of) the three savanas (morning, noon, and evening), he becomes pure after (the lapse of) one year.
125. For committing with intent any of the deeds which cause loss of caste (Gâtibhramsakara), (the offender) shall perform a Sâmtapana Krikkhra ; (for doing it) unintentionally, (the Krikkhra) revealed by Pragâpati.
126. As atonement for deeds which degrade to a mixed caste (Samkara), and for those which make a man unworthy to receive gifts (Apâtra), (he shall perform) the lunar (penance) during a month; for (acts) which render impure (Malinikaraniya) he shall scald himself during three days with (hot) barleygruel.
127. One-fourth (of the penance) for the murder of a Brahmana is prescribed (as expiation) for (intentionally) killing a Kshatriya, one-eighth for
125. Regarding the offences called Gâtibhramsakara, see above, verse 68. The Sâmtapana Krikkhra is described below, verse 213.
126. Regarding the three classes of offences, see above, 69-71. The penance of subsisting on barley-gruel is described Vi. XLVIII; Baudh. III, 6.
127-131. Ap. I, 24, 1-4; Gaut. XXII, 14-16; Vas. XX, 31-33; Baudh. I, 19, 1-2; II, 8-10; Vi. L, 12-14; Yâgñ. III, 266–267.
127. The word 'virtuous' is, according to the commentators, to be understood with 'a Kshatriya' and 'a Vaisya,' and the rule
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