109. He who has committed a minor offence by slaying a cow (or bull) shall drink during the first) month (a decoction of) barley-grains; having shaved all his hair, and covering himself with the hide (of the slain cow), he must live in a cow-house.
110. During the two (following) months he shall eat a small (quantity of food) without any factitious salt at every fourth meal-time, and shall bathe in the urine of cows, keeping his organs under control..
111. During the day he shall follow the cows and, standing upright, inhale the dust (raised by their hoofs); at night, after serving and worshipping them, he shall remain in the (posture, called) virâsana.
112. Controlling himself and free from anger, he must stand when they stand, follow them when they walk, and seat himself when they lie down.
113. (When a cow is) sick, or is threatened by danger from thieves, tigers, and the like, or falls, or sticks in a morass, he must relieve her by all possible means:
114. In heat, in rain, or in cold, or when the wind blows violently, he must not seek to shelter himself, without (first) sheltering the cows according to his ability.
115. Let him not say (a word), if a cow eats (anything) in his own or another's house or field or on the threshing-floor, or if a calf drinks (milk).
116. The slayer of a cow who serves cows in this
sins,' in the sense of those equal to mortal sinners,' i. e. those offenders who have been enumerated above, verse 56 seq.
109–117. Ap. I, 26, 1; Gaut. XXII, 18 ; Vi. L, 16–24; Yâgñ. III, 263–264.
111. 'In the (posture, called) vîrâsana,' i.e. 'seated without leaning against a wall or the like' (Kull., Nand.).
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