XI, 68.
course with women who drink spirituous liquor, slaying women, Sadras, Vaisyas, or Kshatriyas, and atheism, (are all) minor offences, causing loss of caste (U papataka).
68. Giving pain to a Brâhmana (by a blow), smelling at things which ought not to be smelt at, or at spirituous liquor, cheating, and an unnatural offence with a man, are declared to cause the loss of caste (Gâtibhramsa).
69. Killing a donkey, a horse, a camel, a deer, an elephant, a goat, a sheep, a fish, a snake, or a buffalo, must be known to degrade (the offender) to a mixed caste (Samkarikarana).
70. Accepting presents from blamed men, trading, serving Sūdras, and speaking a falsehood, make (the offender) unworthy to receive gifts (Apâtra).
71. Killing insects, small or large, or birds, eating anything kept close to spirituous liquors, stealing fruit, firewood, or flowers, (are offences) which make impure (Malâvaha).
72. Learn (now) completely those penances, by means of which all the several offences mentioned (can) be expiated.
73. For his purification the slayer of a Brâhmana shall make a hut in the forest and dwell in it)
68. “Things which ought not to be smelt at,'e. g.'garlic, onions, ordure, &c.' (Medh., Gov., Kull., Nâr.).
70. Blamed men,' i. e. those from whom no gifts must be accepted; see above, IV, 84 seq. | 13-87. Ân. I. 2A, 10-26: 26, II-I2; 28, 2I-20, I; Gaut. XXII, 2-10; Vas. XX, 25-28; Baudh. II, 1, 2-6; Vi. XXV, 6; L, 1-6, 15; Yâgñ. III, 243-250.
73. According to Kull., Nâr., and Râgh. this penance is to be performed in case the homicide was committed unintentionally.
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