reward, and that our deeds have their result (according to their moral merit).
'If a Sakya by birth, O Bhikkhus, who has belonged to a Titthiya school, comes to you, he is to receive the upasampadâ ordination (directly), and no parivasa is to be imposed on him. This exceptional privilege, O Bhikkhus, I grant to my kinsmen.' Here ends the exposition on the ordination of persons
that have formerly belonged to Titthiya schools.
End of the seventh Bhânavâra.
39. 1. At that time these five diseases prevailed among the people of Magadha :- leprosy, boils, dry leprosy, consumption, and fits. The people who were affected with these five diseases went to Givaka Komârabhakka? and said: 'Pray, doctor, cure us.'
I have too many duties, Sirs, and am too occupied. I have to treat the Magadha king Seniya Bimbisâra, and the royal seraglio, and the fraternity of Bhikkhus with the Buddha at their head. I cannot cure you.'
*All that we possess shall be yours, doctor, and we will be your slaves; pray, doctor, cure us.'
'I have too many duties, Sirs,&c.; I cannot cure you.'
2. Now those people thought: 'Indeed the precepts which these Sakyaputtiya Samanas keep and
i Gîvaka was physician to king Bimbisâra, and one of the chief partisans of Buddha at the court of Râgagaha. See VIII, 1, the introduction of the Sâmaññaphala Sutta, &c.
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