VII, 74
- 227
69. Let him settle in a country which is open and has a dry climate, where grain is abundant, which is chiefly inhabited) by Aryans, not subject to epidemic diseases (or similar troubles), and pleasant, where the vassals are obedient and his own (people easily) find their livelihood.
70. Let him build (there) a town, making for his safety a fortress, protected by a desert, or a fortress built of (stone and) earth, or one protected by water or trees, or one (formed by an encampment of armed) men or a hill-fort.
71. Let him make every effort to secure a hillfort, for amongst all those (fortresses mentioned) a hill-fort is distinguished by many superior qualities.
72. The first three of those (various kinds of fortresses) are inhabited by wild beasts, animals living in holes and aquatic animals, the last three by monkeys, men, and gods respectively.
73. As enemies do not hurt these (beings, when they are) sheltered by (their) fortresses, even so foes (can)not injure a king who has taken refuge in his fort.
74. One bowman, placed on a rampart, is a match in battle for one hundred (foes), one hundred for ten
quoted by Gov mater and grass, where strong ant.' Anâvila,“ not
69. Vi. III, 4-5; Yåga. I, 320. The full definition of gângalah, which is open and has a dry climate,' is, according to a verse quoted by Gov., Râgh., and Kull., That country is called gångala, which has little water and grass, where strong breezes prevail, the heat is great, where grain and the like are abundant.' Anavila, 'not subject to epidemic diseases (or similar troubles),' (Kull. and Ragh.), means according to Medh. where the people are not quarrelsome;' according to Når. and Nand. free from defilement such as a mixture of the castes.' 70. Vi. III, 6.
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