I, 24, 4.
them: 'These two companions who are now comingKolita and Upatissa-these will be a pair of (true) pupils, a most distinguished, auspicious pair.'
4. Then Sâriputta and Moggallâna went to the place where the Blessed One was; having approached him, they prostrated themselves, inclining their heads to the feet of the Blessed One, and said to the Blessed One: 'Lord, let us receive the pabbaggâ and upasampadâ ordinations from the Blessed One.'
'Come, O Bhikkhus,' said the Blessed One, 'well taught is the doctrine; lead a holy life for the sake of the complete extinction of suffering.' Thus these venerable persons received the upasampadâ ordination.
5. At that time many distinguished young Magadha noblemen led a religious life under the direction of the Blessed One. The people were annoyed, murmured, and became angry (saying), 'The Samana Gotama causes fathers to beget no sons; the Samana Gotama causes wives to become widows; the Samana Gotama causes families to become extinct. Now he has ordained one thousand Gatilas, and he has ordained these two hundred and fifty paribbâgakas who were followers of Sangaya; and these many distinguished young Magadha noblemen are now leading a religious life under the direction of the Samana Gotama.' And moreover, when they saw the Bhikkhus, they reviled them in the following stanza: The great Samana has come to Giribbaga (i. e. Râgagaha) of the Magadha people, leading with him all the followers of Sangaya; who will be the next to be led by him?'
6. Some Bhikkhus heard those people that were
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