I, 98.
mouth, as he was the first-born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.
94. For the Self-existent (Svayambha), having performed austerities, produced him first from his own mouth, in order that the offerings might be conveyed to the gods and manes and that this universe might be preserved.
95. What created being can surpass him, through whose mouth the gods continually consume the sacrificial viands and the manes the offerings to the dead ?
96. Of created beings the most excellent are said to be those which are animated; of the animated, those which subsist by intelligence; of the intelligent, mankind; and of men, the Brahmanas;
97. Of Brâhmanas, those learned in the Veda); of the learned, those who recognise (the necessity and the manner of performing the prescribed duties); of those who possess this knowledge, those who perform them; of the performers, those who know the Brahman.
98. The very birth of a Brâhmana is an eternal incarnation of the sacred law; for he is born to (fulfill the sacred law, and becomes one with Brahman.
respect to the law the lord, i.e. entitled to prescribe their duties to this whole creation.'
94. Tapas taptvâ, having performed austerities,' is added, as Nand. says, in order to show particularly great consideration' (tapas taptvety âdarâtisayah). See above, verses 33, 34, 41.
94. Medh., Nár., and Nand. explain kritabuddhayah,'who recognise' (the necessity and the manner of performing the prescribed duties),' by 'who know the meaning of the Veda.' Those who know the Brahman,' i.e. the sacred lore which leads to final emancipation.'
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