three-quarters of Manu II, 238, and v. 688 the first half of Manu III, 172. Equivalents of Manu XI, 44, 74, 769, 77, 84 are found Mah. XII, 34, 2; 35, 4-6; 263, 456-46. Among other somewhat longer corresponding passages the following are the most noteworthy. Portions of the discussion on the reverence due to parents and teachers, Manu II, 229-234, occur Mah. XII, 108, 5-12. · The rules regarding the disposal of the fee at an Årsha wedding and the respect to be shown to females are found Mah. XIII, 45, 20; 46, 1-7, and some verses, Manu III, 134-135, 140-142, 158– 159, 172, 180-181, 184-185, from the section on Sraddhas, Mah. XIII, 90, as well as fragments of III, 267–274 in the beginning of Mah. XIII, 88. The warning against. quarrels with relatives, Manu IV, 179-185, is repeated Mah. XII, 244; 146-21*. A number of the rules applicable to the ascetic, Manu VI, 42-48, 575, 584, reappears in the beginning of Mah. XII, 246 and 279, while Manu VI, 49 is read Mah. XII, 331, 30. The sketch of the state administration, Manu VII, 115-122, is given mostly in the same words, Mah. XII, 87, 3-11°, and the same chapter contains also closely agreeing precepts regarding taxation together with the verses Manu VII, 127 and 139*. . The remainder of the corresponding passages ranges between triplets and single feet of Slokas, and is scattered over all the twelve chapters of Manu. The portions of the Mahabharata where we chiefly meet with them, are III, 94, 180;-XII, 15, 244–245, 265; XIII, 44-46, 90, 104-105, 115, 1521.
In order to complete this sketch of the relation in which the two works stand towards each other, it will be advisable to give one of the three longest corresponding passages in full, and to carefully note both the points of contact and of difference. The piece most suitable for such a comparison is that from the first book of Manu. For the latter doubtlessly belongs to the additions made by the editor of the metrical version, and its account of the creation presents numerous problems which have sorely puzzled the com
1 It is impossible to give here more than these general indications. A more complete list of the verses of the Manu-smriti occurring in the Mah. will be found in the Appendix.
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