VIII, 9-14.
and is getting up out (of the water) is to make way for one who is getting down into the water.
'Whoso comes last out of the hot bath-room is to wash it, if it be dirty; to wash the vessel in which the clay is kept, to put the chairs used in the hot bath-room in order, to extinguish the fire, to close up the doorway, and then come out.
'This, O Bhikkhus, is the rule of conduct which I lay down for the Bhikkhus, in respect of the hot bath-room, according to which they are to behave themselves therein.'
9 and 10.
[These chapters deal with the manner of using the privies, and other sanitary arrangements described in V, 35, where see our note.]
11, 12, 13, and 14.
[These chapters simply repeat, word for word, Mahâvagga I, 25, 14-24; I, 26, 1-11; I, 32, 3; and I, 33 respectively.]
Here ends the Eighth Khandhaka, containing the Rules for Conduct.
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