gether, those made like the head of a watersnake ?, girdles with tambourines on them *, girdles with beads on (or with ornaments hanging from them). Whosoever does so, shall be guilty of a dukkata. I allow you, O Bhikkhus, girdles of two kinds—those made of strips of cloth, and those ....0!
The borders of the girdles decayed through age.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, an edging of brighter material • and strengthening at the ends?
The end of the girdle where the knot was tied decayed through age 8.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, a buckle .' [A paragraph on the substances of which it may be made, as usual, see Mahâvagga VI, 12, 3; Kulla
1 Kalábukam. See Buddhaghosa's note at p. 319 of the text, and compare Böhtlingk-Roth under kalapa, kalâ paka.
• Deddubhakam nama udaka-sappi-sisa-sadisam (B.). Deddubha corresponds to the later Sanskrit dundubha, an older form of which is dundubha.
: Murag a, literally, tambourines;' but see Buddhaghosa's note, loc. cit.
• Maddavinam nâma pâmanga-santhanam (B.). On påmanga, see our note at Kullavagga V, 2, 1.
• Sakarantakam. See Buddhaghosa's note at p. 319 of the text. We do not venture to translate the term.
Sobhanam nâma vetthetvå mukha-valh-sibhanam (B.). In the Magghima Sila, $ 3, sobhanakam or sobhana-karanam (so Rh. D.'s MS.) is a kind of game or show.
1 Gunakam nama mudikas? muddhika)-santhầnena sibbanam (B.). Clough, under guna, gives inter alia, i. fastening; 2. a plant of the fibres of which bow-strings are made; 3. bow-string. . Pavananto ti pâsanto (B.).
• Vidho. But both the reading and the explanation are uncertain, and Buddhaghosa says nothing. The word occurs also, and apparently in the same sense, in the Old Commentary on the 86th Pakittiya.
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