V, 21, 2.
now, my friend Sañgikâ-putta, go thou to the place where the Blessed One is, and when you have come there, bow down in salutation at his feet on my behalf, and enquire in my name whether he is free from sickness and suffering, and is in the enjoyment of ease and comfort and vigorous health, saying, 'Bodhi the king's son, Lord, bows down in salutation at thy feet, and enquires [as I have said]1, and asks: May my Lord the Blessed One consent to take his to-morrow's meal with Bodhi the king's son, together with the Samgha of Bhikkhus.' Even so, Sir!' said the young Brahman Sañgikâputta, in assent to Bodhi the king's son. And he went up to the place where the Blessed One was, and when he had come there he exchanged with the Blessed One the greetings and compliments of friendship and civility. And when he had done so, he took his seat on one side, and so seated he [delivered to him the message even as the king's son had commanded]. And the Blessed One gave, by silence, his consent.
2. And when the young Brahman Sañgikâ-putta had perceived that the Blessed One had consented, he arose from his seat, and went up to the place where Bodhi the king's son was. And when he had come there, he said to him: 'We have spoken, Sir, in your behalf to that venerable Gotama, saying (&c., as before), and have received the consent of the Samana Gotama.'
Then Bodhi the king's son made ready at the end
1 So far this conversation is the stock phrase for a message from a royal personage to the Buddha. See 'Book of the Great Decease,' I, 2 (Rh. D.'s 'Buddhist Suttas,' p. 2).
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