V, 16, 3.
facings of three kinds l_ brick facing, stone facing, and wooden facing.'
[Then follow the paragraphs as to the high basement, the facing of the roof, the stairs, and the balustrade, as in 11. 6; 14. 2; and above, § 1 %.]
Now at that time the Bhikkhus drew water with jungle-rope 3, or with their waistbands.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of a string rope to draw water with.'
Their hands were hurt (by the rope).
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of a long pole balanced as a lever“, of a bullock machine ", or of a wheel and axle 8.'
1 Kinitum tayo kaye. See our note 4 above on V, 14, 3, and the passages there quoted. The whole passage occurs V, 11, 6.
* All this refers doubtless to the kind of shed or portico to be erected over the well. (See below.) One would expect that the formal licence for such a manda pa would have been inserted here in due course as above, 11. 6, for the Kathina-sala.
: This is the usual Anglo-Indian term for the creepers so commonly used for such purposes. The Påli word is vallika, which occurs in a different sense at V, 2, 1.
Tula. This is the ordinary and simple machine, so common in all countries where irrigation is carried on, for raising water from canals or from shallow wells. Buddhaghosa says here : Tulan ti pannikânam viya udaka-abbhahana-tula. Pannika is 'florist' (see Gâtaka I, 411, II, 180). Abbhâ hana must be wrong (see Sutta Nipâta III, 8, 8); possibly abbhâvâhana is the correct reading.
The name of this machine is spelt differently in the MSS. (karakatanka the Sinhalese MS., and karakadaka the Burmese MSS.), and the reading is doubtful. Buddhaghosa says: Dakadakala ko (sic! In the next note but two the same MS. reads kata dakatake) vukkati gone vâ yogetvâ hatthehi va gahetva digha-varattâdihi akaddhana-yantam. We can only say negatively that the word can have nothing to do either with karkataka, a hook in the form of a crab's claw; or with kara-kantak a, finger-nail.
. Kakkavattakam, on which Buddhaghosa has the unintelligible note arahatta(1)-ghali-yantam.
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