V, 5, 1.
1. Now at that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus used to wear woollen cloth with long fleece to it!
The people murmured ... (&c., down to) They told this matter to the Blessed One.
You are not, O Bhikkhus, to wear woollen cloth with long fleece to it. Whosoever does so, shall be guilty of a dukkata.'
1. Now at that time the mangoes were ripe in the park of Seniya Bimbisâra, the king of Magadha. And Seniya Bimbisâra, the king of Magadha, had given command, saying, 'Let the venerable ones have as much fruit as they like. Then the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus plucked even the young fruits and ate them.
Now Seniya Bimbisâra, the king of Magadha, wanted a mango; and he gave orders, saying, 'Go,
intoned before the Buddha a chapter from the Sutta Nipata. The expression there used is sarena abhâsi, of which our word is used as the verbal noun, the roots bhan and bhâs being not only synonymous but interchangeable. (See, for instance, Vin. Pit. vol. iv, p. 353.) Perhaps 'recitative' would be a good rendering. I have several times heard the Dhamma thus recited by living Buddhists in accordance with the traditional interpretation of this passage, and their Sara-bhannam was precisely like the intoning of prose passages as practised in our cathedral churches (Rh. D.).
1 Bahira-lomim-unnim. Literally, with the fleece outside.' Compare Mahavagga V, 10, 4, and the Magghima Sîla, $ 5 (p. 193 of Rh. D.'s Buddhist Suttas').
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