IV, 14, 14.
And of these, which is a dispute which is not a legal question requiring formal settlement? When a mother disputes with her son, or a son with his mother, or a father with his son, or a son with his father, or a brother with a brother, or a brother with a sister, or a sister with a brother, or a friend with a friend. Such a dispute is not a legal question requiring formal settlement by the Samgha.
*And of these, which is a legal question that is not a dispute ? A legal question of censure, or a legal question of offence, or a legal question of business. This is a legal question which is not a dispute.
*And of these, which is a legal question requiring formal settlement which is also a dispute ? A legal question of dispute that requires formal settlement by the Samgha is both such a legal question and also a dispute.'
13. [The same distinction drawn between censure, and a legal question of censure requiring formal settlement. • 14. Offence. Legal question arising out of an offence. Offence which is not subject of a legal question. Legal question and no offence. Legal question and offence too.
“There may be an offence which is subject of a legal question of offence. There may be an offence and no legal question. There may be legal question and no offence. There may be legal question and offence too.
Of these, which is the offence which may be subject of a legal question ? The five groups of offences are subjects of legal questions of offence; the seven groups of offences are subjects of legal questions of offence. These are offences which may be subject of a legal question.
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