III, 20, 1.
1. Now at that time a certain Bhikkhu had committed numerous Samghâdisesa offences, one of which he had concealed for one day, one for two days, one for three days, (and so on down to] and one for ten days.
He told the Bhikkhus, saying, 'I have committed, (&c., as before, down to) and one for ten days. What now shall I do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
Let then the Samgha, O Bhikkhus, impose upon that Bhikkhu an inclusive probation according to one of those offences which has been concealed for ten days?'
Now thus, O Bhikkhus, ought it to be imposed.'
i From this and what follows it is clear that however many are the offences, and however various the periods of concealment, the probation is only to last for the same period as the longest of the concealments has lasted. Thus the Samanta Pasadikâ says here: agghasa modhâno nama sambahulásu ápattisu yâ ekå vâ dve vå tisso vâ sambahulå vâ âpattiyo sabbakirapafikkhannâyo tâsam agghena samodhaya tâ sam rattiparikkhedavasena avasesânam anatarapalikkhannanam Apattinam parivaso diyyati. Yassa pana satam âpattiyo dasâha patikkhanna, aparam pi satam &pattiyo dasahapatikkhanna ti, evam dasakkhattum katva âpattisahassam divasasatapatikkhannam hoti, tena kim kâtabban ti? Sabbam samodhâpetvâ dasa divase parivasitabbam, evam eken' eva dasahena divasasatam pi parivasitam eva hoti. Vuttam pi k' etam :
dasasatam rattisatam âpattiyo khadayitvâna dasarattiyo vasitvâna mukkeyya pârivâsiko.
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