I, 13, 7.
'How, Lord, can we carry out the Pabbâganiyakamma against those Bhikkhus who are followers of Assagi and Punabbasu; for they are passionate men and violent?'
Then do you go, Sâriputta and Moggallâna, together with a number of Bhikkhus.'
'So be it, Lord!' said Sâriputta and Moggallâna, in assent, to the Blessed One.
71. 'Now thus, O Bhikkhus, should it be carried out. In the first place the Bhikkhus who are followers of Assagi and Punabbasu ought to be warned: when they have been warned, they ought to be reminded (of the Rule in the Pâtimokkha against which they have offended); when they have been reminded they ought to be charged with the offence; when they have been charged some discreet and able Bhikkhu ought to lay the matter before the Samgha, saying,
"Let the venerable Samgha hear me. These Bhikkhus who are followers of Assagi and Punabbasu are wicked Bhikkhus and shameless. Their evil practices are both seen and heard, and also that respectable families have been led astray by them is seen, too, and heard. If the time is fit for the Samgha to do so, let the Samgha carry out the Pabbaganiya-kamma against those Bhikkhus who are followers of Assagi and Punabbasu, to the effect that the Bhikkhus who are followers
1 On this section compare chap. 1, § 4, chap. 9, § 2.
2 Buddhaghosa points out that whereas the Tagganiya-kamma is directed against quarrelsomeness, and the nissaya-kamma against foolishness, it is scandal to the community against which the Pabbâganiya-kamma is directed.
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