X, 6, 3.
their command, but he does not think therefrom, "It is I who do this;"—
'In what cases a Bhikkhu commits an offence, what an offence is, and how it is atoned for; both these expositions are well known to him?; he is versed in the rules about offence and atonement;
'By what deeds a Bhikkhu brings expulsion upon himself, in what cases one has been expelled, and the rehabilitation of a person who has undergone that penance,-all this he also knows, well versed in the Vibhangas ;
Full of reverence for elder Bhikkhus, for the young, for the Theras, for the middle-aged, bringing welfare to many people, a clever one :—such a Bhikkhu is the one who is then worthy of the
End of the tenth Khandhaka, which contains the
story of the Bhikkhus of Kosambi.
End of the Mahâvagga.
For 'Exposition' the text has vibhanga, about the technical meaning of which see our Introduction, pp. XV seq. Both' refers to the Bhikkhuvibhanga and Bhikkhunivibhanga. In the text, ubhayassa must be corrected into ubhay' assa, i.e. ubhaye assa.
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