IX, 7, 16.
congregation, or an act performed seemingly lawfully with an incomplete congregation, or an act performed seemingly lawfully with a complete congregation, or an act not performed, badly performed, to be performed again. In this case, O Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhus who say: "It is an act performed unlawfully with an incomplete congregation”—and the Bhikkhus who say: "It is an act not performed, badly performed, to be performed again" — these Bhikkhus are right herein.
16. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu be litigious (&c., as in § 15, down to :) and they proceed against him with the tagganiyakamma unlawfully with a complete congregation . . . . lawfully with an incomplete congregation . . . . seemingly lawfully with an incomplete congregation .... seemingly lawfully with a complete congregation. Now among the Samgha residing in that district (&c., as in s 15).
17–20. `In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu be ignorant, unlearned,' &c.?
End of the ninth Khandhaka, which treats of
the events in Kampå.
1 The text treats here in $$ 17, 18 of the nissayakamma (see $ 6) and of the Samghakammas down to the expulsion for a Bhikkhu's refusal to renounce a false doctrine (see $$ 7-11) in the same manner as the tagganiyakamma is spoken of in $$ 15, 16. Then follows ($$ 19, 20) an exactly analogous exposition about the revocation of these Samghakammas, which stands in the same relation to $$ 15-18 in which $$ 12-14 stand to S$ 1-11.
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