IX, 7, 8.
Bhikkhu, friends, leads a life hurtful to the laity, and devoted to evil; well, let us proceed against him with the pabbâganiyakamma!," &c.
8. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu abuses and reviles lay people. And the other Bhikkhus say among each other : "This Bhikkhu, friends, abuses and reviles lay people; well, let us proceed against him with the patisâ raniyakamma 3," &c.
9-11. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu, having committed an offence, refuses to see that offence (committed by himself). And the other Bhikkhus say among each other: "This Bhikkhu, friends, has committed an offence and refuses to see that offence; well, let us pronounce expulsion against him for his refusal to see that offence 5,” &c. 2
12-13. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu, against whom the Samgha has proceeded with the tagganiyakamma, behaves himself properly, lives modestly, aspires to get clear of his penance, and asks for the revocation of the tagganiyakamma sentence. And the other Bhikkhus say among each other: "This Bhikkhu, friends, against whom the Samgha has proceeded with the tagga niyakamma, in truth behaves himself properly; he lives modestly, &c.; well, let us revoke the tagganiyakamma sentence pronounced against him.” And they revoke the tagganiyakamma sentence
i See Kullavagga I, 13-17.
? As in $$ 1-5 or in $ 6. • Kullavagga I, 18-24.
• $ 10: A Bhikkhu, having committed an offence, refuses to atone for that offence. S II: A Bhikkhu refuses to renounce a false doctrine.
o $ 10: For his refusal to atone for that offence. $11: For his refusal to renounce that false doctrine.
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