IX, 5, 9.
friends, which I should atone for," and the Samgha pronounces expulsion against him for his refusal to see that offence, or for his refusal to atone for that offence, this is an unlawful act.
6-7. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, there be an offence which a Bhikkhu should see, and if the Samgha, or a number of Bhikkhus, or a single person reprove him (and say): 'You have committed an offence, friend; do you see that offence?"—and he replies: "Yes, friends, I see it," and the Samgha pronounces expulsion against him for his (pretended) refusal to see that offence,-this is an unlawful act.
'In case, O Bhikkhus, there be an offence which a Bhikkhu should atone for, &c.
8-9. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, there be an offence which a Bhikkhu should see, and if the Samgha, or a number of Bhikkhus, or a single person reprove him (and say): "You have committed an offence, friend; do you see that offence?"—and he replies: "There is no offence, friends, which I should see," and the Samgha pronounces expulsion against him for his refusal to see that offence,-this is a lawful act 3.
As in § 2, the first and second of the three cases given in § 1 are combined, so follow now combinations of the first and third, the second and third, and of the first, second, and third cases respectively.
Here follow again the cases of the ukkhepaniyakamma âpattiyâ apparinissagge and pâpikâya ditthiyâ appańnissagge, and the combinations of the three cases as above.
• Here follow the two other cases, together with the combinations of the three, exactly as above.
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