VIII, 23, 3.
village for alms (clad only) in his waist cloth and nether garment'. Thieves carried off that robe. That Bhikkhu became ragged and ill-clad.
The Bhikkhus spake thus: How is it, friend, that you have become ragged and ill-clad ?'
'I had deposited my robe in Andhavana, and entered the village in my waist cloth and nether garment. Thieves carried off that robe. Thence am I become ragged and ill-clad.'
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
'You are not, O Bhikkhus, to enter the village (clad only) in your waist cloth and nether garment. Whosoever shall do so is guilty of a dukkata2.
2. Now at that time the venerable Ânanda through thoughtlessness went into the village for alms in his waist cloth and nether garment.
The Bhikkhus spake to him thus: 'Hath it not been laid down by the Blessed One that we are not to enter the village, in our waist cloth and nether garment. Why have you, O friend, gone so into the village?'
'It is true, my friends, that it has been laid down by the Blessed One that we are not to enter the village so, but I did it out of thoughtlessness.'
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
3. 'There are five reasons, O Bhikkhus, for laying
Kivara (robe) must here be used for Samghâti. See our note on VIII, 13, 5, and section 2, below, where samghâti occurs.
1 On Santaruttara, see the 7th Nissaggiya. It is clear from this passage that Buddhaghosa was right in his limitation of the word as used in that rule; and we should have done better, therefore, to follow it in our translation of the rule.
2 Compare the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sekhiyas, and the and Nissaggiya; and also above, VII, 1, 3.
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