VIII, 15, 13.
passions things to be indulged? When you are old, maintain chastity then; thus will you be obtainers of both ends." Then the Bhikkhunts, Lord, when thus ridiculed by the courtesans, were confused. Impure, Lord, is nakedness for a woman, disgusting, and revolting. It was this circumstance, Lord, that I had in view in desiring to provide the Bhikkhunfsamgha my life long with dresses to bathe in.'
12. But what was the advantage you had in view for yourself, O Visakhâ, in asking these eight boons of the Tathagata ?'
* Bhikkhus who have spent the rainy seasons in various places will come, Lord, to Sâvatthi, to visit the Blessed One. And on coming to the Blessed One they will ask, saying, “Such and such a Bhikkhu, Lord, has died. Where has he been re-born, and what is his destiny?” Then will the Blessed One explain that he had attained to the fruits of conversion, or of the state of the Sakadâgâmins, or of the state of the Anâgâmins, or of Arahatship?. And I, going up to them, shall ask, “Was that brother, Sirs, one of those who had formerly been at Sâvatthi ?”
13. 'If they should reply to me, “ He had formerly been at Sâvatthi," then shall I arrive at the conclusion, “For a certainty did that brother enjoy either the robes for the rainy season, or the food for the in-coming Bhikkhus, or the food for the outgoing Bhikkhus, or the food for the sick, or the food for those that wait upon the sick, or the
1 A conversation of the kind here referred to is related, as having actually taken place at Nâdika, in the Book of the Great Decease, II, 5-8.
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