(saying), "The king orders you to return, doctor." But those physicians, my good Kâka, are cunning people; do not accept anything from him.'
27. And the slave Kâka overtook Givaka Komârabhakka on his way, at Kosambi, when he was taking his breakfast. And the slave Kâka said to Givaka Komârabhakka: 'The king orders you to return, doctor.'
(Givaka replied), 'Wait, my good Kâka, until we have taken our meal; here, my good Kâka, eat.'
(Kâka said), 'Nay, doctor, the king has told me, "Those physicians, my good Kâka, are cunning people; do not accept anything from him."
At that time Givaka Komârabhakka, who had cut off some drug with his nail, was eating an emblic myrobalan fruit and drinking water. And Givaka Komârabhakka said to the slave Kâka: 'Here, my good Kâka, eat of this myrobalan fruit and take some water.'
28. Then the slave Kâka thought: 'This physician eats the myrobalan and drinks the water; there cannot be any harm in it;' so he ate half of the myrobalan and drank some water. And that half myrobalan which (Givaka) had given him to eat, opened his bowels on the spot.
Then the slave Kâka said to Givaka Komârabhakka: 'Can my life be saved, doctor?'
(Givaka replied), 'Be you will be quite well. king might have me return.'
not afraid, my good Kâka, But the king is cruel; that killed; therefore do I not
Speaking thus he handed over to Kâka the sheelephant Bhaddavatikâ and set out for Râgagaha. Having reached Râgagaha in due course, he went to
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