Here, venerable Sirs, the rules regarding matters connected with discipline come into recitation.
1. 'I will put on my under garment all around mel.' This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
2. 'I will put on my robe all around me.' This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
3. Properly clad will I go amidst the houses ?! This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
4. Properly clad will I take my seat amidst the houses.' This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
5. (With my body) under proper controls will I go amidst the houses.' This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
6. '(With my body) under proper control will I take my seat amidst the houses.' This is a discipline which ought to be observed.
7. With downcast eye * will I go amidst the
1 Parimandalam: 'so as to cover the navel-mandala, and the knee-mandala,' says the Old Commentary. Compare Childers sub voce Timandalam; and Kullavagga VIII, 5, 2.
* Antaraghare. The antaragharam is the space in a village between the huts; not exactly the same, and yet in the following rules practically the same, as the village (gâma).
* Not, for instance, with dirty hands or feet, according to the Vibhanga.
4 The practical rule is for a Bhikkhu to look at a spot in the ground about a plough's length in front of him.
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