xxviii-xxxii; to know the A. was to Atonement, sce Penances, and Sins. be the A., 1, XXX; identified with Atrayah, the poets of the fifth the Brahman and with the Sat, 1, Mandala of the Rig-veda, 1, 216. XXX sq.; Buddha's doctrine of Atreya, n. of a teacher, quoted by Nirvana, and the Brahmanic theory Baudhầyana, 14, xl n.; in a list of of the A., 22, xxxiji; meaning teachers, 15, 118 n., 119, 187;
body,' 26, xxix; means the internal authoron medicine, 19,11; Dakshina organ, 38, 81; translated by vital given to an Â. who is not an offibreath,' 46, 88; A. or Brahman ciating priest, 26, 346, 346 n.; given as author of a Vedic verse, quoted by Hiranyakesin, 30, 200; 46, 293. See Self, and Soul. worshipped at the Tarpana, 30, Atmavidyâ, i.e. the Upakosala- 245; quoted in the Vedanta-sûtras, vidyâ, 1, 64 n.
34, xix ; 38, 320 ; 48, 707. Atnâra, see Para A.
Atreyas, family n., authors of Vedic Atoms, refutation of the Vaiseshika hymns, 46, 364-97, 401-24. tenet that the world originates from Atreyî, t.t., a woman who has a. set in motion by the adrishta, bathed after her courses, 7, 133 n.; 34, xlviii, 1 sq., 16, 289, 317 sq., 14, 107. 354, 381-400 ; 48, 495-500; con- Atreyîputra, n.p., 15, 224 n., 225. junction of a. the material cause of Atri, and other sages ask Brahman the world, 34, 46, 382, 382 n., about final emancipation, 8, 314; 387 n. ; 48, 426; possess the quali- the germ miscarried by Speech ties of colour, &c., according as developed into A., 12, 131; one of they are a. of earth, water, fire, or the seven Rishis, 15, 106; surpassed air, 34, 382, 382 n., 386, 402; are by Atreya as an author on medicine, of spherical form, 34, 382, 382 n.; 19, 11; 49 (i), 9, 9 n.; quoted in subsist during a certain period with- Manu-smriti, 25, xxvi sq., 78; a out producing any effect, 34, 382; sage and Pragâpati, 25, 14; Barhiduring the period of each pralaya shads, manes born of A., 25, 112; they are isolated and motionless, dispels the darkness of the Asuras, 34, 382 n.; the form of extension 26, 346; satiated at the Tarpana, of an effect depends on the number 29, 122, 220; 30, 244; thrown into of a., not on their form of extension, the fiery pit and saved by the 34, 382 sq., 383 n.; cannot be Asvins, 32, 218; restored light to divided themselves, 34, 386 sq.; the sun, 41, 66 n.; the Rishi A. Kanada's reasons for the perma- employed charms, 42, 23 sq., 319; nence of a., 34, 392 sq. ; relation of the sun freed by Indra and A., 42, the a. and the four elements, 34, 294; A. and the Atris, connected 393 sq. ; atoinic theory not accepted with the Kanvas, 46, 42 sq.; Agni by any authoritative persons, 34, identified with the Rishi A.? 46, 394-400; may be decomposed by 214; his spells may loose Agni's their passing back into the indiffer- bonds, 46, 366; Agni worshipped enced condition of the highest by A., 46, 376, 382, 413; the Rishi cause, 34, 400; external things can Isha Atreya called A., 46, 383; neither be a. nor aggregates of a., Agni has freed A., 46, 399; author 34, 419; Bauddha and Gaina theories of Vedic hymns, 46, 421. of aggregate of a. as the cause of Atrin, an ogre, devouring demon, the world refuted, 34, 403, 430 sq. ; 32, 154, 158; 42, 37, 62, 65. 48, 501, 516-20; Karman consists Attadandasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 177-80. of a., 45, 194 sq.; one of the four Attainments, the three, Buddhist kinds of inanimate things possessing t.t. (tisso sampattiyo), viz., life as forin, 45, 208, 208 n. ; being with man, life as god, and Arhatship, 35, out parts they cannot be the cause 146 n.; 36, 356. of the world, 48, 475; consist of Atthaka, n. of a Rishi, 11, 172. parts, 48, +82 ; the smallness of a., Atthakavagga, part of the Suttani49 (i), 142.
pâta, 10 (ii), 146-83.
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