being milked or ladled out at the Atarô-Mitrô, n.p., 5, 194. Agnihotra belongs to the A., 44, Atarô-pâd, or Atûr-pâd, son of 81; two goats sacrificed to them at Zaratûst, 5, 159 n., 304, 304 n.; the Asvamedha, 44, 300 ; worshipped 37, 6 n.; 47, xxxvi sq. at the Pravargya, 44, 468, 475, 477, Atarô pâd, or Atîro-pâd, or Âtûr482-4 ; invoked together with Agni, pâd, son of Miraspend, 4, 286 sq., 46, 281, 316, 356-9; invoked to 286 n.; 5, 145, 147, 148 n., 308, grant long life, 46, 360; invited to 333; 24, 256, 256 11.; 37, xxxiv, xl, sit down on the sacrificial grass, xlii, 10, 30, 30 n.; 47, 87, 87 n., 127, 46, 418.
127 1. ; restorer of the true religion, Atali, mother of Upâli, 19, 227. 5, 199, 199 n.; underwent the ordeal Atâpâtiya-parittâ, a protecting of melted metal, 5, 376, 376 n. ; 24, charm, 35, 213.
171, 171 n.; 47, 74 sq.; born in Atar, or Atarô, or Fire, Zoroastrian the steel age, 37, 181; A. and the god; worship of A. and Agni, 4, lii; Nasks, 37, 415; his son Avarethrastruggle between A. and Azi, Indra bau, 47, xii; his date and work, 47, and Ahi, 4, lii ; A, and Vohu-mano XXXV-Xxxvii. protect against demons, 4, 101, Ataro-pâd, or Atûr-pád, son of 101 n., 230, 241; worship of A., the Hamid (Hêmîd), 5, 148, 148 n.; 18, son of Ahura Mazda, 4, 184, 198 xxvii, 150 n.; a compiler of the sq. ; 23, 5, 5 1., 7 sq., 14-16, 36, 38, Dinkard, 18, 399 n.; 24, xxvii, 316, 322 n., 339, 344 ; watches over 139 n.; 37, xxxii-xxxiv, xxxvii. pregnant bitches and women, 4, 181, Atarô-pâd, son of Dâd-farakh, 5, 184 n.; blesses him who brings him 244 n. dry wood, 4, 199; the day A., 5, Ataró-pâd, n.p., 5, 194, 194 n. 95; has the marigold flower, 5, 104: Atarô-pâtakân, n.p., 5, 194. invoked, 5, 402, 405; Atar, with all Ataro-tarsah, n.p., 5, 137. (sorts of Atars or Fires, 23, 8, 16, Athabbana-veda, Pali for Athar358; a source of healing, 23, 8, 16, vana-veda. See Atharva-veda. 358; drives behind Mithra, 23, 153; Atharvan, the eldest son of Brahma, Vohu-manô and A. help Ahura 15, 27; 48, 284; the sacred texts, against Angra Mainyu, 23, 198; A., revealed by A. and Angiras, 25, the son of Ahura Mazda, fights 436, 436 n.; was the first that against Azi Dahâka, 23, 297 sq.; kindled Agni, 41,217; is the breath, blesses the man who worships 41, 217; auspicious rites called A. him, 23, 338; Atas Nyayis, prayer rites, 42, xviii-xxiv; Sânti, wife of to A., 23, 349, 357-61. See also A., 42, xxi n.; A., Angiras, and Fire (b, g).
Bhrigu, fire-priests, 42, xxiii, xxvii, Atare-danghu, n.p., 23, 207.
XXX, xxxii-xxxiv, lvii sq.; a charm Ataredâta, n.p., 23, 206.
against wild beasts called 'A.'s Atare-hvarenah, n.p., 23, 207. crusher of tigers', 42, 148 ; Angiras Atarekithra, n.p., 23, 206.
and A. rule over the heavens, 42, Atarepâta, n.p., 23, 206.
225; author of a hynn, 42, 362; Atare-savah, n.p., 23, 207.
Dadhyaak, son of A., 44, xlviii, see Atarevakhsha, see Priests (e). Dadhyaik Atharvana; expiatory obAtarevanu, n.p., 23, 206.
lation to A. at the Soma-sacrifice, Atare-zantu, n.p., 23, 207.
44, 208: a woman who has misAtarô, see Atar.
carried sacrificed to A. at the PuruAtarô-Allharmazd, a Zoroastrian shamedha, 44, 415. teacher, 5, 243, 243 n.
Atharvana, see Bhishag Â., DaAtarôbôndak, n.p., 5, 145.
dhyañk A., and Kabandha A. A+arô-dât, n.p., 5, 145.
Atharvanas, see Atharvanikas. Ataro-frôbâg, n.p., 5, 194, 194 1. Atharvana-Upanishads, see UpaniSee Atûr-frôbag.
shads. Ataro-frôbag Nôsâi, n. of a Zoro- Atharvan Daiva, teacher of Daastrian teacher, 5, 243, 243 1.
dhyak, 15, 120, 187; 42, xxxiv sq.
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