bliss, 49 (i), 94 sq. ; Sâmkriti A., in a love charm, 42, 104, 535; in49 (i), 1o1.
voked to drive out evil bodily Antinomies, each suggesting the marks from a woman, 42, 109; inexistence of its corresponding op- voked in a cattle charm, 42, 143, posite, 39, 47 sq.; the usefulness of 204; Sarasvati, A., and Bhaga inbeing of no use, 39, 132, 217-22; voked, 42, 173. a cluster of a., 39, 188; startling Anumlokanti, n, of a nymph, 43, 107. antithetic statements, 39, 239, 239 n. Anupâdisesa, t.t., 'none of the five Antioch, people of, destroyed for attributes remaining,' is the principal disbelief in Jesus' disciples, 6, cv; thing, 10 (ii), 167. 9, 163 sq.
Anupalipta, n. of the eighth TathaAntrimukha, n. of a demon harass- gata, 49 (ii), 6. ing children, 30, 211.
Anupamamati, one of the sixteen Ants, Solomon and the, 9, 101; virtuous men, 21, 4. a.-hills inauspicious, 29, 140 ; simile Anupiyâ, a town of the Mallas, of the white a., 36, 326; a. an anti- Buddha residing there, 20, 224-33. dote against poison, 42, 27, 30, 268, Anupravakanîya, see Sacrifices (b). 511 sq., 552 sq., 553 n., 555; pro- Anuradhapura, the chronicles preduce healing-water, 42, 9, 278; served in the Mahâvihâra cf, 10 (i), earth from an a.-mound used in xvi sq., xx, xxii sq. medical charms, 42, 234, 287, 511; Anuruddha, n.p., in Pali, Ania. gnaw the bowstring of Vishnu, ruddha in Sk., 21, 2 n.; 49 (ii), 2 n.; 44, +42 sq., 450.
the Sâkya, converted, 19, 226; 20, Anuddharî, see Animals (i).
224-33; 35, 163; what he said Anugîtâ, t.w., an episode of the when Buddha died, 11, 118, 119, Mahâbhârata, 8, 197-206; its rela- 121; 19, 305 sq.; praises the detion to the Upanishads, 8, 197, 200, parted Buddha, 19, 310-20; A., 207-12, 215, 224, 226 sq. ; relation Nandiya, and Kimbila, Bhikkhus between A. and Bhagavadgîtâ, 8, who live in perfect harmony, Buddha 197 sq., 207-10, 215, 218 sq., 222, visiting them, 17, 309-12 ; ques227; Brâhnrana Gîtâ, and Gurusi- tions Buddha about schisms, 17, shyasamvâda, 8, 198–204; work of 317; mentioned among the prinone author, 8, 204-6; its date and cipal Thera Bhikkhus, 17, 360 ; position in Sanskrit literature, 8, sayings of A. the elder, 36, 296, 347, 206-27 ; its relation to the Dhar- 351. See also Aniruddha. masastras, 8, 208, 210, 215-19; its Anusâsana, 'precepts' (the Vedânrelation to Buddhism, 8, 212-15; gas ?), to be studied, 44, 98. its language, 8, 227; its metre, 8, Anusaya, see Karman. 227; translation, 8, 227-394; ends Anushtubh, see Metres. with the fourth chapter, 8, 256 n. Anuvada, Sk., t.t., a statement reAnugopå restored to sight by ferring to something already known, Buddha, 49 (i), 197.
explanatory comment, 34, 221 ; 38, Anumati, n.d., goddess of concep- 55, 66, 138, 216, 221, 308 sq., 322, tion, 42, 98,461; is this earth, 41, 44; 322 n.; 48, 14, 45, 678, 694, 696 sq. Sinîvâli and A., phases of the moon, Anuvidita, t.t., Buddha's definition 42, +61; offering to A., 25, 90 ; 29, of the term, 10 (ii), 91. 84, 319, 321 ; 41, 42, 44, 54 n.; 43, Anvâdhyas, Åpyas, Sâdhyas, and 264, 264 n.; 44, xlii, xliv ; wor- Maruts, the divine guardians of the shipped at the Upakarana, 29, 221; sacrificial horse, 44, 359. funeral oblation to A., 29, 242; Anvâkhyâna, old tale, not true, sacrifice to A. at the ploughing rite, 44, 14. 29, 326; invoked when sprinkling Anvârambhaniya, see Sacrifices, water round the fire, 29, 378; 30, Anvashtakya, see Animal Sacrifices 19, 142, 253; sacrifice of the newly (b), and Sacrifices (i). married couple to Agni, Pragâpati, Anyata plakshâ, n. of a lotus-lake Visve devâs, and A., 30, 49; invoked in Kurukshetra, 44,70.
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