scorpions and insects, 42, 29 sq., 36, 180, 180 1.; the four-eyed 553 ; charm against wild beasts, 42, bitch, Saramá, 42, 68, 404; the 147 sq., 366-9; diseases caused inythical three-legged ass in the by certain a., 42, 500 n., 501. ocean, 5, 67-9, 67 n.; 24, 1 , © A. IN MYTHOLOGY.
U n.;-with horse, ass, and heList of mythical a. described, 5, goat, one searches for Agni, 41, 67-71, 88 sq., 88 n., 91; the four 198, 204-6, 224-7; Aharman's intelligent creatures (Kbilin, phoe- body is that of a lizard, 5, 105 ; nix, tortoise, dragon), 27, 383 sq., contention between the lizard and 384 n., 393, 410; monsters and the Kar fish, 5, 65 sq.; no brute dragons in the ocean, 36, 191, 298, creation in a Buddha country, 49 (ii), 304; men lived in common with the 12, 33, 96 sq.; Krishna as Lord a. in the age of perfect virtue, 89, of beasts, 8, 89 sq.; for Rudra, the 140, 278; 40, 171; magic plants wild beasts are in the forest and in discovered by an eagle, or a boar, or the waters, 42, 157 ; the brain of a. an ichneumon, 42, 43 sq., 77, 137, the spittle of Ivashtri, 26, 202; the 306,580 sq.;--the animalcule Anud- four-footed a. protected by Vasus dhari (or Kunthu) which is only and Rudras, 43, 68; Verethraghna seen by monks who have reached the in the shape of a boar, 23, 137, 153, state of perfection, 22, 267, 304 ; 45, 235; Verethraghna in the shape of 15, 220, 220 n.; the ox Barmáyún, a., 23, 231, 233-8; oxen, horses, 37, 218, 220; a boar, called Emứsha, wolves refuse to kill the child Zororaised the earth, and he was her aster, 47, 37-9, 145 sq. See also lord Pragâpati, 44, 451; the wolf Omens. Kapúd and the bird Kamak slain by (i) WORSHIP OF A. Keresâsp, 24, 63, 63 1.; dance to Souls of a. worshipped, 23, 197, Khzei's music, 3, 45, 61; the 229; 31, 288 ; food placed on the khwei, a one-footed animal, 39, ground as bali-offering for a., 25, 92; 384, 3841. ; an ox decides boundary 29, 87; offerings to cats and tigers, disputes between Iran and Tûrân, 27, 432, 432 1.; sacrifice to all the 47, 31-3, 135-8; the primactal a., 31, 329; chiefs of a. worshipped, Bull, 4, 231, 231 n., 290 sq., 290 n.; 31, 338; of the earth, and of heaven, 5, 45 sq. ; 47, xxix, xli; the seed of invoked as divine beings, 42, 161. the primaeval bull in the moon, 4, (k) ON SOME SPECIAL A. 233, 233 n.; 5, 179 ; 23, 8, 8 sq. 11., Simile of the bat, 36, 346; sin of 16, 88-91, 176, 355 ; death of the killing a beaver, 24, 71, 71 n., 350 ; primaeval ox, 5, 20; origin of clouds as boars, 32, 72 ; simile of the plants from the primaeval ox, 5, boar, 36, 334 sq.; why the king puts 99 sq., 177-9; the ox Sarsaok, 5, on shoes of boar's skin, 41, 102 sq.; 58, 62, 69 sq.; origin of a. from the vicious boar unclean, 44, 178; earth primaeval ox, 5, xxiii, 20 17., 179; torn up by boar, 44, 451; the wild 37, 150 ; men going forth on the buffalo and the sarabha assigned ox Srûvô (Sarsaok, Srisaok), 5, 186, to Agni, 41, 411 sq.; the buffaloes, 186 n.; the immortal ox Hadhayas i.e. the priests, quicken the sacrior Sarsaok, whose fat yields the elixir fice, 44, 231; simile of the cat, 36, of immortality, 18, ju sq. and n., 326 sq.; deer sent by the princes as 118, 171; the dark progeny of the tribute to the king, 27, 433; simile primaeval ox cause the eclipses, 18, of the deer, 36, 331 sq.; fever 212 sq., 2 12 n.; the ox Hadhayâs, allayed by means of a frog, 42, 4, who causes the perfection of primi- 565-8; frogs used at rites for tive man, 18, 257, 257 n.; primaeval quenching fire, 42, 348-51, 514 ox attacked by evil spirit, 5, 17 sq., sq.; origin of frogs from water, 31 sq., 161 sq., 161 n.; 18, 94, 94 n.; 43, 174-6; bare in the moon, 44, 47, 33, 33 1. ; see also Gosûrûn; 10; hedgehog to be preserved, for the Saena or Sinurgh, 23, 241 n., he kills ants, 5, 331, 331 n., 347; 242 ; Sálaka, a very tiny animal, 24, 318; simile of the jackal, 36,
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