402; 43, 230; 44, 219; husbands, sentence passed may be reversed, donbtless, are the support of w., 12, 33, 16 sq. and n.; valid and invalid 441; can neither give nor receive transactions of w., 33, 49 sq. ; law a son except with husband's permis- of limitation regarding property of sion, 14, 75, 334 ; w. shall be wit- w., 33, 61 sq.; females (slaves) as nesses in cases concerning w., 14, articles of sale, 33, 150, 150 n.; 82; 25, 266, 266 n.; 33, 82; false purchased, 33, 175 sq., 176 n. ; inevidence regarding w., 14, 83; 25, tercourse with unchaste w. per271; the son of an unmarried dam- mitted, 33, 180 sq.; lawsuits raised sel, 14, 86 sq., 227; punishments by w. inadmissible, 33, 234 ; w. are and penances for w. who have of- not entitled to bestow gifts, or to fended, 14, 108-12; 25, 382 ; fine sell property, 33, 264 ; must not be for killing a female of the Sûdra put under restraint, 33, 288; for w., caste, 14, 118; crimies by which w. representatives must proffer plaint become outcasts, 14, 133; fighting or answer, 33, 288; are easily dewith w, forbidden, 14, 200 ; punish- ceived by forged documents, 33, ments for murder of w., 14, 202; 307; law about possession of w. and purchase and sale of w. denounced slaves, 33, 311; gifts to be bestowed as a crime, 14, 207 sq.; laws regard- on idiots, aged and infirm, w, and ing w., 14, 231-5; 25, 611 sq.; 33, children, 33, 349; treatment of a xiii; the learned lady Gârgî Vâkak- w. violated against her will, 33, 366 navî, 15, 130 sq., 136-9; violence sq. ; punishment for adulterous w., towards w. recommended, 15, 217; 33, 367; see also Adultery; vices of the sixty-four accomplishments of w., 33, 368; gift of w. forbidden, w., 22, 282, 282 11. ; honour due to 36, 12); the male lies on the right w., 25, lxvii, 85 sq. ; deceiving w. side of the female, 41, 199; 43, 81; and Sûdras, 25, 169; forming part a female injures no one, 41, 202; of the booty, 25, 231; employed in a perfect w. is fair-knotted, fairthe royal service, 25, 236; betray braided, fair-locked, 41, 232; sisters secrets, hence to be removed from without a brother, bereft of strength, a king's council, 25, 239; the king 42, 22, 258 sq.; mentioned before must deliberate on the behaviour of men, 42, 93 ; unmarried girls live the w. in his harem, 25, 240; the with mother, father, or brother, 42, king shall protect the property of 254 ; female head-gear, 42, 538 sq.; unprotected w., 25, 257 sq. and n.; people do not kill a w., but rather take may exceptionally be witnesses, 25, (anything) from her leaving her) alive, 267; swearing falsely to w. at mar- 44, 62; there is no friendship with riages allowed, 25, 273 ; stealing w., W., 44, 71 sq. ; wool and thread is punishment for it, 25, 310, 498; 33, w.'s work, 44, 219; one who is in 227, 362 sq.; to protect w., arms his prime of life dear to w., 44, 295; may be taken up, 25, 315; all w. made to be attendant upon man, must be carefully guarded, 25, 327- 44, 300 ; brotherless girls, i.e. w. 30; 33, 367; six causes of the ruin of evil conduct, go to hell, 46, 335. of w., 25, 329 ; slayers of w. put to (6) W. IN BRÂHMANISM. death, cannot be purified, 25, 382, Some w. to be approached, others 469; pregnant w. not punished for
not, now. to be avoided at the committing nuisance, 25, 392 ; how
Vâmadevya, 1, 30 n. ; 38, 310;
vam wl, allure men, 26, 30 sq.; are given seeing a w. in a dream is prophetic to vain things, 26, 53; beauty of w., of success, 1, 76, 48, 604; is the 26, 113; 44, 294 sq.; neither own
altar on which the Devas offer seed, any self nor do they own any heri
1, 79; 15, 208: here the blood of the tage, 26, 367; shall not be chario
w. is a form of Agni fire); thereteers, 29, 364; a w. approaches a fore no one should despise it. And the friend for a gift, 32, 313; a charit- seed of a man is a form of Aditya able w. is worth more than a miserly (sun); therefore no one should despise it, man, 32, 356 ; in the case of a w. a 1, 232; w., the Self, and child
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