informances and born oth conse 59.;
females who have been purchased lorse and lie down near it, 44, 312 cannot assist at sacrifices, 14, 207; sq., 321-6, 32 1 sq. n., 349, 386 sq.; Heaven the reward of faithful w., derisive and obscene conversation 14, 232; husband and w. produced between priests and queens at the by the Self, 15, 85 sq.; all blessings horse-sacrifice, 44, 386 sq.; sacricome from a good and beautiful w., ficer's w, excluded from Pravargya, 25, 86, 332 ; how a dead w. is to 44, 452 n., 463, 472, 495 sq. 11., be burned, 25, 198; etymology of 502 n., 504; the creator was not satisgâyâ or w.,'25, 329; acquires quali- fied when he had given (to man) the w. ties of husband, 25, 331 sq.; the as a fetter, he added a chain round his husband is one with the w., 25. neck in the form of children, 45, 24 n.; 335; husband receives his w. fromí Agni, the lover of maidens, the husthe gods, 25, 344 ; 'let mutual fidelity band of ws., 46, 57, 59; men worcontinue until death,' this may be con- ship Agni together with their ws., sidered as the summary of the highest 46, 82; Agni accompanied by the law for husband and w., 25, 345: the Divine Ws., 46, 186; Agni makes house is the w.'s resting-place, 26, husband and w. united, 46, 371 ; 61; is one half of husband, 26, one whose w. has died, or who 61 n.; 41, 32, 43, 132; the Patni- cannot procure a w., is prevented vata cup for Agni with the ws. of from belonging to an asrama, 48, the gods (with reference to the 705; do not adorn themselves, sacrificer's w.), 26, 365-9, 365 n.; while their lord is absent, 49 (i), Patnîsâlâ, 'the w.'s or ladies' hall, 82 ; husband and w. retire into the 26, 448, 448 n.; 43, 307, 307 n.; forest together, 49 (i), 87 sq.; where the w. or the fires are, there husband and w. are both consecrated is the home, 29, 89; fasts and per
in sacrifices, and both purified by the forms the Vaisvadeva for the hus- performance of the rites of the ea, band who is on a journey, 29, 90;
and both destined to enjoy the same
an prayer of an illegitimate child
results afterwards, 49 (i), 88; ws. of making offerings to the Manes, 29,
gods, see Goddesses. 104; when the domestic fire goes (6) IN INDIAN LAW AND CUSTOM. out, the w. shall fast, 29, 172; The w.'s share of the inheritance, made to lie down on the funeral 2, 135; 25, 367 n.; 33, 377 sq. ; pile, but rises again, 29, 239; his no division of property takes place w. is (as it were) his house, 29, 386; between husband and w., as they 30, 21; rite against a w.'s para- are one in spiritual and worldly inour, 30, 177, 295; Brahmanas matters, 2, 136 sq.; bride is given have the right to converse with to the family, not only to the husother men's ws., 33, 219; oaths by band, 2, 166; both the w, and the the heads of ws., 33, 315; is con- husband have power over their sidered half the body of her hus- common property, 2, 170, 170 1. ; band, sharing the result of his good a Brâhmana (Snataka) shall not and wicked deeds, 33, 369, 377; a take his meals with his w., 2, 222; w. deceased before her husband 7, 221; 14, 61, 25, 135; 43, 369 takes away his consecrated fire, 33, sq. and n.; a Sûdra shall live with 377; how a w. gains over her hus- his w. only, 2, 233, 233 n.; duties band, 35, 302; a w. who has no son of a w., 2, 270 ; 25, 195-7, 329, is possessed with Nirriti, 41, 65; 332; 33, 368 sq.; law relating to charm to obtain a w., 42, 95, 502 a w. whose husband has gone sq. ; prayer for the w. at a Soma abroad or renounced domestic life, sacrifice, 42, 179-82; symbolical her duties, 2, 272; 25, 340 sq. ; import of the Patnîsanıyâga by plurality of ws., 7, xxi, 70-3; 14, which offering is made to gods and 196 sq. ; 32, 129 ; 43, 230; 46, 74 ; their ws., 44, 44, 44 n.; at the a king must appoint eunuchs for horse-sacrifice the king's ws, anoint his ws. as their guardians, 7, 16; the horse and walk round the dead the crime of a w. who violates the
thegitimate 29, 90,
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