Buddha, 21, 5 11. ; the Avataras of the highest place, 16, 375; water is V., and the Buddhistical and Gaina the body of V., 48, 423; Brahman, belief in innumerable Buddhas or V., and Siva, 49 (i), 196 sq., 200. Tîrthakaras, 22, xxxiv: Vishnu- See also Ganârdana, Hari, Kesava, smriti revealed by the god V., 25, Krishna, and Vasudeva. xxi; called Mârtînda, 26, 121.; (6) IN MYSTICISJI AND PHILOSOPHY. identified with Soma, 26, 82 sq., V. is the sacrifice, 7, 1-3, 9; 12, 126, 126 n., 160 sq.; the day is 15, 19, 27, 59-61, 85, 94, 128, 190, Agni, the night Soma, and V. is 214 sq., 268 ; 26, 12, 35, 155 sq., what is between the two, 26, 108; 160, 162, 165, 290, 352, 390, 413, part of the thunderbolt, 26, 108, 436; 41, 45, II3, 118, 235 n., 276 ; 108 n.; props and holds fast the
44, 9, 179, 293, 300, 442 sq.; is earth, 26, 130, 133 ; companion of composed of the Vedas and VedânIndra, esp. in his fight against Vritra,
gas, 7, 10; worship of V. (Kesava) 26, 171 sq. ; 32, 127, 133 sq. ; 41, who has become one with Brahman, 138 sq., 396; see also Indra (e); the and of V. absorbed in meditation, highest step of V., fixed like an eye
7, 156, 156 sq. n.; is the Self of all in the heaven, 26, 172 ; lord of fields, i.e. bodies, 7, 287 ; praise of mountains, 29, 280 ; the whitish V. as the supreme being, the Lord one, the lord of the beings that of all, 7, 292-7 ; 48, 608 ; pervades dwell in the quarters, 30, 237 ; the three worlds, 7, 298; 48, 92 sq.; saved the Soma, and the Maruts sat in the Anugîtâ, 8, 219-21; the down around it, 32, 127, 133-7 ; emancipated sage is V., 8, 220 sq., connected with the Maruts, 32,
345 ; one of the ten fires at the 134 ; called vrishan, 32, 144 ; holds allegorical sacrifice of the sensethe kakra, 32, 230; V. esha or the
organs, 8, 261; a name of the rapid V., or Soma = rain, 32, 296, highest Self, 8, 332; 15, 311; 34, 306, 403; the terrible, the wanderer, 239; 48, 87 sq., 92 sq., 266; the 32, 363; Agni and V. are all the self-existent V. is the Lord in deities, Agni being the lower end, the primary creations, 8, 333; is the V. the upper end, 41, 44; when an ruler and creator, the uncreated embryo, was a span long, 41, 235, Hari, 8, 347 ; the great V., full of 255, 260, 268, 393; identical with the Brahman, is the king of kings Agni, 41, 235, 235 n., 276; 46, 186; over all, 8, 347; the unthinkable, became an eater of food, 41, 393, self-existent V. is identical with 395 ; the four Vedas sprung from Brahman, 8, 354; 15, 302 sq., 322, V., 42, lii; in a list of gods, 42, 80, 338 ; 31, xxxi n. ; 48, 89 sq., 92 sq., 160, 221; lord of the nadir, 42, 193, 266, 355, 358; the great V., who is 655; has stepped out upon the earth, full of the Brahman, and than whom 42, 200; passes through three re- there is no higher being in these three gions, 42, 251; lordship bestowed on worlds, is the source of all the universe, V., 43, 68; V. Sipivishta the bald (?), 8, 354 ; through V. exists the earth, 44, 9, 207, 293, 293 n.; entered the 14, 134 ; the highest place of V., world at three places, 44, 388; V. the place whence a man is not born with other gods perforins sacrifice again, the highest abode, 15, 13, at Kurukshetra : he excels, becomes 324; 34, 239, 245 sq. ; 38, 205, 241, overweening, and his head is cut 391; 48, 87 sq., 266, 269, 272, 313, off and becomes the sun, 44, 441 Sq.; 355, 358, 363; that part of the Self is the most excellent of the gods, which belongs to sattva is V., 15, 44, 442 ; Svayambhû, i.e. V., sleep- 304 ; identificd with the power of ing on the ocean, 45, 49 n.; Venu = motion, 25, 512; he who is conV.? 45, 290 n.; the wide-ruling secrated becomes V., 26, 29; Yagus V., 46, 186, 246, 326 ; Agni invoked are V., 26, 436; in the Bhagavadto bring V. to the sacrifice, 46, 316; gîtâ, 34, cxxvi; from out of V. the Agni announces the sins of men to gods formed the guest-offering, 44, V., 46, 326; the footprint of V. in 138; Iliranyagarbha, Hari, Sankara,
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