Vaitarani (Pali Vetaran), a river in 262 n.; 26, 250 ; Kapila and V., 19, hell, 7, 141 n.; 10 (ii), 124; 44, 134, 134 n. ; V. Visvakarman, 26, 438 n.; 45, 95; my own Self is 431; invoked, 26, 452 n.; Pragâpati, the river V.,' 45, 104; difficult to the Lord of Speech, 41, 5; prayer overcome, 45, 270; description of to V., 42, 209, 665; 44, 122. See it, 45, 280.
also Vâkpati, Vaittabhatîputra, n. of a teacher, Vakhsh, n.p., 5, 146. 15, 226.
Vakkali, was delivered by faith, 10 Vaivasvata, n. of Yama, 15, 3, 3 n. (ii), 212 sq. See also Manu, and Yama.
Vakkhaligga, see Vâtsalîya. Vaiyâghrapadîputra, n. of a Vakkula, one of the five hundred teacher, 15, 225.
Arhats who are to become future Vaiyâghrapadya, Indradyumna Buddhas, 21, 198; disciple of BudBhâllaveya addressed as V., 1, 87; dha, 49 (ii), 90. Budila Asvatarâsvi addressed as V., Vâkpati, Lord of Speech, 8, 262 n.; 1, 87. See also Aupoditeya.
see Vâkaspati. Vâk or Speech, mentioned in a list Vakula, an eminent Arhat or Bhikof teachers, 15, 226; legend of shu, 21, 2; 49 (ii), 2. Yagña and V., 26, 30-3; sent by the Vâkyakâra, see Tanka. gods to fetch Soma from the Gan- Vala, demon, undone by Brihaspati, dharvas, 26, 53-8; the Soma cow 42, 193, 596, identified with V., 26, 54, 56-63; Valabhi, the Gaina council of, under legend of V. who became a lioness, Devarddhi, 22, xxxvii sqq. 26, 114-16, 119 sq., 123 Sq., Supar- Valâ hassa Gâta ka, 11, 255 n. nî =V., 26, 149; prayers to V., 26, Valâkâkausika, n. of a teacher, 15, 189; 29, 51, 299; 41, 38; metres 186 n. produced from V., 26, 226; Agni Vâlakhilyas, dialogue between them associated with V., 26, 365 n., 367 n.; and Pragâpati Kratu, 15, xlvii, 291the one-thousandth cow given at the 302 ; sages who had left off all evil, Trirâtra is V., 26, 414, 414 sq. n.; who were vigorous and passionless, the triple Veda the thousandfold 15, 291 ; have, through Brahmaprogeny of V., 26, 436; 41, 140; knowledge, gone to the road of 44, 343 n.; the pith of V. wished to Brahman, 15, 326; tried to create desert the gods, 26, 450 sq.; is this other gods, 25, 398 n.; by means of earth, 26, 450 sq.; the voice of the V. the gods ranged over these thunder, in the company of the worlds, 43, 56. Maruts, 32, 272, 275; victim for V., Valkhash, or Valkhas, the Askânian, 41, 15; Sarasvati V. the leader, Vologeses 1, Parthian king, collected yoke-fellow of Thought, 41, 39, 80, the remnants of the Avesta, 4, 173 ; offering for Brihaspati V., 41, xxxvii-xli, xlviii, lxv; 37, 413, 413 70; world of V., 41,145, 192; waters 11.; 47, 82 n. created out of V., 41, 145 sq., 192; Vallî, Sk., creeper' used in the the Angiras-like deity, 41, 154; sense of 'chapter' in Upanishads, from V. Visvakarman begat living 15, xxii. beings, 41, 407; V. Virâg, daughter Valmîki, follows after Vyâsa, 19, of Kâma, 42, 221, 593; escaped the 11; uttered the poetry which Kyagods and settled in the trees, 42, vana could not compose, 49 (i), 9. 437; speaks, 43, 323, 366; Indra Vâmâ, mother of Pârsva, 22, 271. is V., 44, 16; when the sacrifice is Vâmadeva, n. of a Rishi, 11, 172; complete, V. is wholly gained, 44, author of Vedic hymns, 1, 215; 46, 343; is the goddess Gladness, 44, 310, 319, 327, 333, 337, 341, 344, 453. See also Sarasvati, Speech, 349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 358, 361; and Voice.
became immortal, 1, 244, 246; the Vaka Dâlbhya, n.p., 1, 6, 21. Rishi V. says I was Manu, I was Vâkaknavî, see Gârgî V.
the sun,' 15, 88; 38, 238; 48, 252 Vâkaspati, n.d., Lord of Speech, 8, sq., 618; saved himself from starva
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