59:9, 86, 96, 103 sa... throne, 40, Looses to resign his }; or El Hagr. % 298, 327, 331, the set up as Sons 2 $q; ; Th. and
Thai-zăn, the virtuous wife of Kì of 39, 167, 167 n.; had recourse to Kâu, and mother of King Wăn, 3, the force of arms, 39, 359; he and 380 sq., 380 n., 387.
Wû contended for the sovereignty, Thamûd, people of, reject Zâli'h 39, 380; 40, 73; seven years' draught who was sent unto them with the in the times of T., 39, 388; made sign of the she-camel, 6, 146 sq., 1 Yin his cook, 40, 89; followed I47 sq. n.; 9, 7, 242; Âd and T., Mă1-yin Tăng-hằng as his master, 6, 183; 9, 121; punished for dis- 40, 117; proposes to resign his belief in the mission of Zâli'h, 6, throne, 40, 141, 162 sq. ; Th. and 211 sq., 239; 9, 86, 96, 103 sq., 176, Wû set up as Sons of Heaven, yet 200, 247, 254, 256, 298, 327, 331, their posterity cut off, 40, 170 sq. ;
banished his lord, 40, 171, 173; their prophet liar, 9, 61.
had his Tâ Hû music, 40, 218. See Than-fû, great-grandfather of Wû, also Yão. 3, 124; 28, 309; called 'King Thai, Than Kung, the Book named after founder of the state of Kâu, 3, 134, him, 27, 17, 120. 134 n.; canonized as King Thâi, 3, Thaqif, submit to Mohammed on 152 sq., 316; 28, 60; was humble condition of being allowed to retain and reverent, 3,203; 28, 283; their idol Allât, 9, 9 n. among the descendants of Hâu-ki, That art thou, see Brahman (f). 3, 342 ; his settlement in Kâu, That which is, see Sat. building of temples and palace, 3, That which is not, see Asat. 382-5, 389; Shun was not equal to Theft, sin of, especially stealing gold him of the line of Thai, 39, 136, of a Brâhmana, causes loss of caste, 259 sq.
1, 83 sq. ; 2, 74, 280; 7, 133 sq.; Thang, or Thien-yĩ, orKbăng Thang, 8, 389, 389 n.; 14, 5, 201, 2 I8; 25, the Successful, founder of the Shang 383; see also Brâhmana (d); ordynasty, 3, 13, 84, 303; the Book deals applied in cases of th, and of Th. in the Shủ King, 3, 31-6; robbery, 1, 108 sq.; 33, 98, 316, surnamed Zze and Lî, 3, 84; sum- 319; 34, 323 n.; thief set at liberty mons his people against Kieh of heaps his guilt on the king, 2, 71, Hsiâ, 3, 84-6, 127 sq.; Kung-hui's 82; penances for th. (esp. of gold 'announcement'justifying Ti's pro- of Brâhmana), 2, 82 sq., 293; 7, ceedings against Kieh, 3, 86-9; 172 sq., 181; 14, 108, 127, 132, 213, noble character and sentiments of 296, 299; 25, 448, 448 n., 451, 463T., 3, 87 sq., 90 sq., 91n., 93 sq., 96, 5, 480; definition of th., 2, 88; to 98 sq., 310 sq. ; 28, 281; his An- keep off danger from thieves, a nouncement, inaugurating the new king's chief duty, 2, 162; law about dynasty, 3, 89-91; his self-sacrifice th., 2, 163, 167, 169, 232, 240, 244 to assuage a draught, 3, 91n.; his sq., 248; 7, 136; 25, 253, 267, 306death, 3, 92; ancestor of the Count 14; 33, 204-6, 223-32, 266 sq., 359of Wei, 3, 162; a model king, 3, 63 ; 37, 51, 56, 58-60, 69 sq., 74-7, 176, 221 sq.; punished and de- 99; thieves defile the company at stroyed the sovereign of Hsiâ, 3, a Sraddha, 2, 256; 25, 103; cases 197, 215; had I Yin as his minister, when it is allowed to take money 3, 206; sacrifice offered by one of from Sûdras and others (by fraud or his descendants to T., 3, 304 sq.; force), 2, 273 ; punishments for th. appointed by God, to regulate the and robbery, 6, 102; 7, 26, 31 sq., boundaries of the kingdoin, 3, 307 36; 14, 101, 201; 25, 390-2, 394, sq. ; changed the appointment of 496-9; 35, 256 sq., 290 ; 37, 121; the line of Hsiâ, 16, 254; one of appropriating land or a deposit bethe six great men, 27, 366; de- longing to a Brâhmana, is a crime throned Kieh, 27, 396; 40, 178; equal to the th. of gold, 7, 134; worshipped as an ancestor, 28, 202, refraining from th., part of the con209; inscription on his bathing-lub, duct of the good, 8, 243; is of the 28, 415 ; questions put by T, to Kî, quality of passion, 8, 324 ; one of
28, 415 ; Guption on his bathino 202, refraini
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