45, 43; as merchants go over the Samudra, father of Asva, 44, 302. sea, so the nionks will cross the Samudrapala, a merchant's son, flood of S., 45, 271, 311; those who turned monk, 45, 108-12. injure living beings will wander Samudravigaya, father of Arishtaabout in the beginningless and end- nemi, 22, 276 ; 45, 112. less wilderness of the fourfold S., Samvarga-knowledge, or S.-vidya, 45, 387; opposed to final release, 34, 224-6 ; 38, 19, 196. 48, 71; Yoga, the remedy of S., 48, Samvarta, though not following the 89; from Brahmå down to a blade of duties of Asramas, became a great grass, all living beings that dwell Yogin, 38, 315 ; 48, 704. within this world are in the power of Samvatya, quoted by Asvalâyana, the S. due to works, 48, 90; the 29, 257, 257 n. S. state consists in the possession of Samyadvama, a name of the highest name and form, which is due to con- Self, 34, 125, 128, 130; 48, 272. nexion with non-sentient matter, such Samyaksambodhi of Buddhism, connexion springing from good and evil and knowledge of the Self in the works, 48, 298. See also Life, and Upanishads, 15, lii. Transmigration.
Samyamana, see Hell (a). Samskâra, Sk., Brâhmanical t.t., Samyu Bârhaspatya, invented tlie purificatory rite or ceremony, forty sam-yos formula, 12, 255 sq., 255 n. sacraments by which members of Samyutta-Nikâya, Dhamma-kakthe three higher castes are sancti- kappavattana-sutta in, 11, 139 sq. ; fied, 2, 215-17; 8, 358, 358 n., 361; quoted, 35, xxix-xxxi, xxxii-xxxvi, 25, 32-42, 32 n., 56; 34, 33, 227; 56, 194 sq.; 36, 55, 290, 298, 302, 38, 120 n., 286, 286 n., 287 n., 347 n. ; 319, 337, 340, 345, 354; repeaters he who is sanctified by the S. but of the S., 36, 231. destitute of moral qualities will not Samyuvâkas, see Prayers (c), and reach heaven, 2, 218; prescribed Sacrifice (i). for Sûdras, 2, 232 sq. n.; Sûdra shall Sân, n.p., 5, 135, 135 n. not receive S., 14, 25 sq.; 25, Sanaga, n. of a teacher, 15, 120, 188. 429 ; 34, 227; to be performed Sanaka, a mighty being dwelling in with the sacred domestic fire, 14, this world, 48, 90. 236, 236 sq. n.; for women without Sanâru, 11. of a teacher, 15, 120 , 188. sacred texts, 25, 330, 330 n.; peace Sanâtana, n. of a teacher, 15, 120, of sacred fire at S., 29, 20; obla- 188; = Sanatsugâta, q.v. tions made before the performance Sanatkumâra, instructs Narada of S., 29, 164; auspicious time for about the Self, 1, 109–25; 8, 17; S., 29, 164; allowed for certain 34, 166 sq.; 48, 300; is called mixed castes, 33, 187, 187 n.; per- Skanda, 1, 125; Sanatsugâta the formed by one of undivided brothers, same as S., 8, 135, 141, 149 n., 33, 198 sq. ; see also Sacrifice (b); 150 n.; Buddha compared with S., -Annaprâsana, 2, 139; Godâna, 2, the son of Brahmadera, 19, 24; 187; the S, for a new-born child to 49 (i), 21; a son of Brahman's be perforined for an outcast when mind, was born again as Skanda, readmitted, 14, 78, 78 n.; Pumsa- 38, 235; waiting on Indra in heaven, vana and similar S. performed for 49 (i), 53. males, 14, 105 sq. n., 106, See also Sanatkumâra, n. of a king of Child (6), and Initiation.
Hastinapura, 45, 60, 60 n., 85, 85 n. Samskâra, Sk., Buddhist t.t., = Pali Sanatsugâta, the Sanatsugâtîya, Samkhâra, q.v.
a dialogue between him and DhriSamskâraskandha, the group of tarâshtra, 8, 135 sq., 149-94; quoted,
48, 23. See also Sanâtana. Sâmtanu, lost his self-control from Sanatsugâtîya, episode of Mahâlove, 49 (i), 138 sq., 138 11.
bharata, 8, 135-8; compared with Samudda-datta, a follower of Deva- Bhagavadgîtâ, 8, 135, 137, 142, 144datta, 20, 251.
8; commented on by Sankara, 8,135,
impressions, 34, 40201 -control from Sanatsa 8, 135-8; con
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