Saintship, stages of, viz. the Threefold Wisdom, the Heavenly Vision, Having entered upon the Stream, and the Pothugganikâ Iddhi, 20, 230; degrees of s., Sotâpanno, Sakadagâmin, Anâgâmin,Arhatship, 20, 305. See also Arhatship, Holy persons, and Iddhi. Sairima, Airya, and Tûra, the three sons of Thraêtaona, 4, lix. Saitân, see Satan. Saitava, n. of a teacher, 15, 118, 118 n., 186, 186 n. Saiva ascetics, adherents of Pasupati, wear the hair platted and gathered up in a knot, 10 (i), 39 n.; their doctrines, 34, 435; 45, 245 sq., 245 n.; 48, 520 sq.; theory of S. contrary to the Veda, 48, 523. Saivya, see Satyakâma. Saka, the Nirgrantha, converted by Buddha, 19, 244. Saka, worshipped by the Snâtaka, 30, 166. Sakadâgâmin, t.t., Bhikkhus who on their first return to this world will make an end of sorrow, 21, 25; how the Bhikkhu may become a S., 11, 213. See also Saintship. Sakadhûma, ruler of the stars, 42, 160, 532 sq.
Sâkalya, meditation taught by, 1, 248 sq.; Sthavira S., 1, 257, 265; dialogue between Yâgñavalkya and Vidagdha (the shrewd) S., on the gods and the one God, 15, 139-49; 44, 115-17; Vidagdha S. says that the heart is Brahman, 15, 157 sq.; worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 123, 141,
Sakambhara, n. of the demon of diarrhoea, 42, 1, 445 sq. Sâkamedhân, t.t., third seasonal sacrifice, see Sacrifice (j). Sâkapûni, worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 123.
Sakas, mentioned in Manu-smriti, 25, cxiv sq., cxiv n., cxvii ; degraded Kshatriyas, 25, 412. Sakatamukha, a park outside the town Purimatala, 22, 283. Sâkâyanins, quoted, 43, 363. Sâkayanya, saint, dialogue between him and Brihadratha, 15, xlvii, 287 sqq., 326-9. Sâketa, n. of a great town, 10 (ii), 188; 11, 99, 247; 36, 249.
Sâkha and Nigrodha, former births of Devadatta and the Bodisat, 35, 289 sq.
Sakhar, n. of a devil who takes away Solomon's ring, 9, 178 n. Sâkhâs, t.t., 'branches' (of Veda), i. e. Vedic Schools, see Veda (g). Sakî, wife of Indra, 19, 1; 29, 33; 42, 95, 125 sq., 503; 49 (i), 21. Sâkiyas, or Sakyas, or Sakyas, Buddha's family, 10 (ii), 69; claim relics of Buddha, 11, 131 sq.; S. by birth, who have been heretics, may be ordained without a parivâsa being imposed on them, 13, 191; Suddhodana, king of the S., 19, 1; 49 (i), 2 sq.; princes of S. tribe become Bhikkhus, 19, 226; 20, 22433; are renowned for pride, 20, 230. Sakka, see Indra.
Sakkaka disputation between Buddha and S., the son of a Nigantha, 45, xxiii; his account of the conduct of the Akelakas, 45, xxxi. Sak-kid-ânanda, Brahman defined as, 34, xcii. Sakra, see Indra. Sakridâgâmin, Sk. Sakadâgâmin, q. v.
Sakti, Mâyâ belongs to Brahman as a, 34, xxv.
Sakti, a woman of great Brâhmanical power, converted by Buddha, 49 (i), 194.
Sâktya, see Gaurîviti S., and Parâ
sara S.
Sakulya, t.t., see Relatives. Sakuntala, Apsaras, Bharata, 44, 399. Sakyamuni, see Buddha. Sakyas, Sakyas, see Sâkiyas. Sâlagrâm, the sacred stone in which Hari is contemplated, 34, 114, 126, 178.
Sâla grove of the Mallians, 11, 81, 85, 103 sq., 122, 247. Salagya, city, in the world of Brahman, 1, 275, 277. Sâlaka, see Animals (i). Sâla-king, Amitâbha shines as the, 21, 417. Sâlankâyanîputra, n. of a teacher, 15, 224 n.
Sâlavatî, courtesan of Râgagaha, mother of Gîvaka, the physician, 17, 172 sq.
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