evil eye, 5,
this is the inunlking thro
229-33; eulogized the deceased 20-2; fire is dissolved into air, 38, Confucius, 27, 159, 159 n. ; sends a 26; air is dissolved into ether, 38, message of condolence to Khwâi 26; in what sense it may be called Shang, 27, 187 ; funeral of his son prâna, 38, 87; union of Vayu with Tun, 27, 188; wears mourning for the air, 41, 148, 188; heals whathis concubine, 27, 189; Kâu Făng ever is injured in the earth, 41, 221; sends a message to Duke Ai, 27, fashioned by the Rudras, 41, 234; 191; paid a visit of condolence is the home of the waters, 41, 416; when Ki-sun's mother died, 27, 197; the sun is the holder of the air, 43, declines the condolences of Ling, 28; is of Trishtubh nature, 43, 57; 27, 323 ; sent Zû Pî to Confucius to is the expanse' metre, 43, 88; is learn the proper mourning rites, the lower abode, 43, 203 , three 28, 166 sq.; Duke Ai and Zze-kâo, oblations of air or wind on the 28, 169; interview of Kwang-ize chariot, 43, 235; is the restingwith Ai, 40, 49 sq., 49 1. ; wishes to place in yonder world, as the eartlı employ Confucius in the govern is in this world, 44, 17; steadied by ment, 40, 207 sq.
means of the birds and sun-motes, Aibhâvata, see Pratîdarsa Ai.
44, 126; relates to Sarasvati, 44, Aibigaya, see Aiwisrüthrima.
241; is the abode and support of all Aighâsh, demon of the evil eye, 5, beings, 44, 407, 477 ; and Ether, 111, inn.
this is the inmortal, 48, 535; BudAikshvâka, n. of a noble family, dhist saints walking through the air, 45, 321 n., 339; Purukutsa, the Ai. 10 (i), 62 sq., & n. king, 44, 397. See Brihadratha. (b) AIR AS A DEITY. Ailâpatya, Mahâgiri of the Ai, Bali-offering to Air, 2, 107.sq. ; gotra, 22, 287, 289.
29, 320 ; oblations to Air and Vayu, Aindar, Zd. Indra, the arch-demon, 29, 321 ; deity and brick of fire18, 319, 319 n.
altar, 43, 91; is hairless, Vâyu the Ainyu, n.p., 23, 217 sq.
man, 43, 208; Vaisvânara as Air, 43, Aipivanghu, or Aipivôhu, or Kai- 395 sq. ; one of the eight Vasus, 15, Apîveh, n. of a king of Iran, 5, 140 sq.; 44, 116; expiatory obla136-9, 136 n.; 23, 222, 222 n., 303. tion to Air, which is a place of abode Air (Sk. antariksha).
for all the gods, 44, 505; invoked (c) Air as an element.
as a deity, 29, 232; 46, 253. See (6) Air as a deity.
also Vâyu. (a) AIR AS AN ELEMENT.
Aîrak, n.p., 5, 134. The union of earth and heaven is Airammadiya, a lake in the world air, 1, 247 sq.; meditation on the of Brahman, 1, 131, 132 n. person in the air as Brahman, 1, Airân-vêg, Aîrân vêgô, the most un303 ; only seen by one who attains disturbed land, 24, 86 sq., 86 11., 109 to the Adhyâtma, 8, 316; the sq.; primaeval home of Mazda-worsecond entity, its presiding deity ship, the abode of Yim, 37, 190, lightning, 8, 337, 340 ; touch is the 190 n. characteristic of air, 8, 337, 340, Airâvana=Airâvata, 9. v. 348, 350 ; sound and touch are Airâvata, Indra's elephant, 22, 222, its qualities, 8, 384 ; springs from 231; the best of elephants, 45, 290. ether, 34, lii; 38, 18 sq. ; is found- Afrik, n.p., son of Frêdûn, 5. 133 ed on space (ether), 34, 413; the sq., 133 n.; 37, 28, 28 n.; 47, 10 abode of heaven, earth, and so on, sq., 34, 140 ; reigned twelve years, 34, 154, 158; when it manifests 5, 150; slain by his brothers, 24, itself in the form of Parganya, 52, 52 n.; revenged by Mânûslightning, thunder, rain, and thun- kihar, 24, 61, 61 sq. 1.; progenitor derbolts manifest themselves in it, of Mânûs, 47, 128. 34, 229 ; with its five forms, 34, Airis-rasp Auspôsinân, n. of a 229; 38, 87; is a product, 38, 3, 18 high priest, 5, 115, 115 n. sq. ; fire is produced from air, 38, Airs, vital, sue Prânas.
(a) Air Anion of earth anion on the
fron-vêg, Aîrân xerosq., 86 11
Band so on, as 150 ; slain bynged by Mânt
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