and hidden meaning of Buddha's Sacred places, see Holy places. sayings should be grasped, while Sacred syllables: sound Him is holding to letter is the way of Brahman, 1, 176 ; 29, 298; the foolish teachers, 19, 284; not to Stobha syllables in singing the five know the Sûtras and the Sâstras, Sâmans, 1, 226, 226 n.; Vashat and is to be devoid of wisdom, 19, 285; Sraushat, sacrificial calls, 2, 45 sq.; those who preach and study, read 8, 324; 12, 88 sq., 88 n., 138, 141 or copy the Dharmaparyâya, are sq., 144, 151, 171, 171 n., 191, 193 destined for supreme enlightenment, sq., 197 sq. and n., 235 sq., 239, have always to be honoured, and 246, 246 n., 261, 319, 374, 382, are always helped by Buddha, 21, 400-5, 411-14, 416, 427-31, 436; xxx, 213-26, 320-7; those who 15, 193; 25, 49, 49 n.; 26, 42, occupy themselves with the Dharma- 107 sq., 183, &c.; 30, 341; 41, 17, paryâya, need not build Stûpas and 68, 73, 113, 135; 42, 84, 99, 128, monasteries or perform acts of 243; 43, 202, 211, 221, 230, 284, charity, 21, 321 sqq. ; worship of 341-3 (Vaushat), 343 n., 346, 348; s. b., 21, 375; 29, 122; 49 (i), 186; 44, 3, 23, 26, 26 n. (Vaushat), 170, king before giving judgement, should 258 sq., 277, 277 n., 391, 394, listen to the exposition of Purânas, 464 n., 478,482 sq., 502; 46, 22; codes of law, and rules of polity, Vyâhritis, Om, Satya, 2, 183 sq.; 33, 280; knowledge derived froin Sûdra may obtain permission to use S. b., 45, 152; faith produced by the exclamation namas for his study of Sûtras and Angas, 45, 154 prayer, 2, 233 sq.; hin, him, 12, sq.; study of s. b., among the articles 100 sq., 325; 26, 291, 375, 420; necessary for perfection, 45, 159, 44, 282, 306, 306 n.; five sacrificial 165 sq., 170, 185, 328; study, five- utterances, 12, 142-4, 142 sq. n. ; fold, one of the 'internal austerities,' Om, Vashat, Mahâvyâhritis wor45, 179; copying s. b. meritorious, shipped at the Tarpana, 29, 121, 49 (i), 186; (ii), 68 sq., 129; of 219; the s. s. hum of the cattle, 30, Mahâyâna Buddhism, 49 (i), 199; 215; Evayâmarut, 32, 363-5; sacri(ii), xxiv sq.;-Zarathustra invokes ficial calls Vet and Vât, 43, 183 sq., the glorious Holy Word, 4, 213 sq.; 220 sq., 231; 44, 478; nine utterimperfect state of Zoroastrian s. b., ances of impulsion (certain sacrificial 37, xxix ;-Scriptures ('The Book') formulas), 44, 24; Vashat uttered given to Moses and Aaron, 6, 7, 12; over cattle, 44, 45; Sraushat, its 9, 50, 172, 195; Jews charged with tone, 44, 58-60; when the wind corrupting the Scriptures, 6, 1o sq., blows, when it lightens, when it 10 n.; belief in the Book, a dogma thunders, when it rumbles-these of Islâm, 6, 24; 'those who have are the four Vashat-calls at the the Reminder' (O. and N.T.) asked 'sacrifice to the Brahman' (Vedato confirm the Qur'ân, 6, 254 sq. study), 44,99;—the three Vyahritis, Sacred Cord, see Costume.
i.e. the three sacred 'words' bhûr Sacred Duties, see Works.
bhuvah svar, and Om, 2, 45 sq., 183; Sacred feasts (myazd), 5, 388 sq., 7, 182 sq.; 12, 2, 296 sq., 300 sq., 389 n.; priests entertained at s. f., 357; 14, 322; 15, 306-10; 25, 18, 155-8. See also Sraddha.
Ixvii, 43-6, 211, 479 sq. ; 26, 37, Sacred objects: fire, sun, water, 455; 43, 145 sq. and n.; 44, 12, wind, a Brâhmana, cows, images of 259, 313, 523; mistakes made at the gods, moon, 2, 94, 220; 14, 36; sacrifices remedied by the Vy., 1, fire, water, earth, cow, trees, 4, Ixii, 68 sq. n., 70–2; 44, 103 sq., 180; 133; Snataka to turn his right hand the three Vy. are the three Vedas, towards them, 25, 135; not to be 1, 177 sq.; Vy. and Om. pronounced defiled, 25, 136 sq.; eight s.o., 33, at beginning and end of Veda recita221 sq.; gold, cow-dung, or blades tion, 2, 183 sq.; 25, 43 sq.; 29, of sacred grass to be held by a wit- 119, 144, 222, 322, 402; 30, 67, ness, 33, 302.
154 sq., 273; mystic doctrines of
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