the ascetic shall avoid the destruc- made the waters flow and the plants tion of seeds, and be indifferent grow, 23, 198 sq.; the maker, the towards all creatures, 2, 194; offer- most beneficent of all beings, 4, ing safety to all beings, duty of the 204-6; 23, 326; is all-knowing, Sannyâsin, 8, 362; the ascetic pro- never asleep, never intoxicated, 4, mises not to injure any living being, 215; 23, 25, 27; power and bene8, 365 ; 14, 46, 260, 277, 277 n., volence of A., 31, 93, 95-7, 100-5; 279; 25, 205 sq., 208-10, 212; his gifts, immortality, righteous ascetics must always use strained order, and kingdom of welfare, 31, water, 14, 260, 279; 25, 207,207 n.; 83; victorious strength given by A., an ascetic who rejects meat at 23, 128, 133; the glory made by sacrifices and funeral meals goes to Mazda, and the victory made by hell, 14, 54; hermits should not Ahura, 23, 136; a guardian and injure even gadflies or gnats, 14, a friend, 31, 108, 112; the first
293; see Compassion, and Slaughter father of righteous order, 31, 108, Ahîna sacrifices, see Sacrifices (1). 113; bountifulness of A., 31, 145-51; Ahmed = Mohammed, 9, 281 n. the remedies of A., 31, 347. Ahnas ibn Surâiq, n.p., a worldly (6) A. IN MYTHOLOGY. man of pleasant appearance, but op The sun the eye of A., 31, 199; posed to Mohammed, 6, 29 sq., 29 n. the stars, his body, 31, 285; the star Ahoganga Hill, Sambhûta Sâna- Jupiter called Ormazd, 31, 199; the vâsî dwelling there, 20, 394.
waters his wives, 23, 353, 353 n.; A-ho Kan, n.p., disciple of Lão-lung 31, 286 sq., 342, 386; how A. puriKi, 40, 67 sq.
fies the water which he sends down Ahriman, see Aharman.
to the Dakhmas, 4, 49, 54 sq.; Ahum-stut, 11.p., 23, 203.
Garô-nminem (Garodman), the Ahunavaiti, title of a Gâtha of the abode of A., 4, 221, 23, 338; 31, Zend-Avesta, 31, 2-92.
184 sq. and n.; the helpers of A., Ahura Mazda (Ormazd), the su- 31, 81, 86 ; higher than all the preme God of Mazdeism.
Amesha-Spentas, 4, 283; father and (a) The supreme God and Creator
commander of the Amesha-Spentas, (6) A. in mythology.
23, 199 sq., 290 ; has six personified (c) A. and Zoroaster. (d) A. and morality.
attributes, 31, xviii sq.; court of (e) Worship of A.
Ormazd and the archangels, 37, (a) THE SUPREME GOD AND CREATOR. +37; relation of A. (Ormazd) to
The belief in a supreme God, Angra Mainyu (Aharman, Ahriman). A., an old element in Zoroastrian- see Aharman (6); brought Ardvi Süra ism. 4. xii, lx sq.; parallel with Anabita down to earth, and sacrithe Asura Varuna, 4, xxx, lii; an
ficed to her, 23, 55-8, 73 sq.; Ardvi Aryan god, 4, Ixiy ; one of the Sûra Anâhita, the daughter of A., purest conceptions of God, 31, xviii 31, 321 ; Ashi Vanguhi, daughter of sq.; Invoke, O Zarathustra! my Fra- 1., 23, 270, 274; Atar, son of A., vashi, who am Ahura-Mazda, the great. 23, 5, see Atar; assisted by the est, the best, the fairest of all beings, the Fravashis in maintaining the world, most solil, the most intelligent, the best 23, 180-5, 187, 193 sq.; made Hara shapen, the highest in holiness, and Berezaiti the dwelling of Mithra, whose soul is the holy Word! 4, 213; 23, 131 sq.; established Mithra to the Creator, 4, 376; 23, 25, 27; 31, maintain and look over all the 108 sq., 113 sq. ; his creations, 4, world, 23, 145; brought the healing Ixx; 31, 285 sq. ; 37, 423; the plants to Thrita, 4, 225 sq.; assisted sixteen perfect lands created by Tistrya in his struggle against A., 4, 1-10; all good things, made Drought, 23, 95, 99-101, 103; esby A., the offspring of the holy tablished Tistrya above all stars, principle, 4, 142 sq., 147 sq.; 31, 23, 105; offered sacrifice to Vayu, 248, 250; made the aerial way, the 23, 250; Vayu works the good of earth, and everything, 4, 232-4; A. and the Amesha-Spentas, 23,
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