Maushikîputra, n. of a teacher, 15, Mâra originated M., hence the 224 n.
world appears uneternal, 45, 244, Mâya, the mysterious wisdom of the 244 1. ; through beginningless M.
Divine Benevolence, 31, 94, 99. diversity is seen in Brahman, 48, 22 ; Mâyâ, mother of Buddha, 19, xix, 1; things seen in dreams are M., 48, 49 (i), 3-5, 7; dies after birth of 86, 602; the real meaning of M., Buddha and is born in heaven, 19, 48, 125 sq. ; the Lord manifests
23, 23 n., 87, 353; 49 (i), 19 sq. himself by M., 48, 241; cessation Mâyà (Illusion): creation is M., the of M. through meditation on and creator mâyin, 15, xxxvi; theories union with God, 48, 364 ; lord of M. of M. and Evolution in the Vedânta, creates everything, 48,368, 400, 406, 15, xxxvii; as the creating power, 469; men intent on their duties pass 15, xxxvii sq. ; 34, cxvii n.; Indra beyond M., 48, 411; there is no appears multiform through the Ms., distinction between M. and Nesci15, 117; Prakriti (nature) is M., ence, 48, 441 sq. See also Delusion, and the Lord the ruler of M., 15, Nature, Nescience, and Prakriti. 252; 48, 125 sq., 138 sq., 364, 367, Mâyâvâda, theory of illusion, 34, 397; M. the principle of illusion, xcviii. 34, xxv, Ix, xcvi sq., 243, 256 n., Mâyâvâdin, one who holds the 329, 371; 38, 133 sq.; the appear theory of illusion, 34, cxx. ance of the world due to M. or Mâyu, n.p., 23, 217. Avidyâ, 34, xxv, 345 ; cannot be Mâ Yung, a compiler of Lî books, called sat nor asat, 34, xxv, 243; 27, 7 sq. constitutes the upâdâna, 34, xxv; Mâzainya, fiends, spells, a weapon belongs to Brahman as a sakti, 34, to smite them, 4, 126 ; 23, 33. XXV, 362; modifies itself into all the Mâzana, speil against the Daevas of, individual existences, 34,xxv; bodily 4, 141, 141 n. organs and mental functions, the Mazda, meaning of, 31, 104 sq. n. ; offspring of M., 34, xxvi; the non- M. worship, see Zoroastrianism. enlightened soul is unable to look Mazdag, or Mazdak, or Mazdîk, son through it, 34, xxvi; the material of Bâmdâd, a heretic, 5, 194, 394 n., world merged into non-distinct M., 201, 201 n.; 37, 257 n. ; 47, 88, 34, xxvi; he whose soul has been en- 88 n., 89 1. lightened withdraws from the influ- Mazdayasna, or a worshipper of ence of M., 34, xxvii; the world is not Mazda, 4, li. unreal M.,34, xxx; Brahman becomes Mazdayasna, n.p., 23, 216. a personal God through M., 34, XXX; Mazdeism, Zoroastrianism called so, soul is Brahman in so far as limited 4, xiii. by the unreal upâdhis due to M., Mazdîk, see Mazdag. 34, xxx; is wonderful nature (Râmâ- Măzdrâ-vanghu, n.p., 23, 215. nuga), 34, Ixi; doctrine of M. un- Mâzendarâns, rain the seed of the, known to Badarayana, 31, xci- xcvii, 24, 244 sq. ; war with the M., 37, c; is of a non-intelligent nature, and 216-18. See also Demons. the world springs from Brahman as Mâzînikan, see Demons. being associated with M., 34, xciii ; Meals : rules about the preparation doctrine of M. not in the Upani- of food for daily in., 2, 104 sq.; rules shads, 34, cii, cxvi-cxxi, cxvii n., about daily m. of householders, 2, cxxv; the highest Lord may assume 109 sq., 122 sq. ; 7, 221; 14, 49a shape formed of M., 34, 81; the 51, 239-42, 245, 263-6 ; 29, 387 nature of the Lord is M. joined with sq. ; 30, 21-4; two m. in winter, time and karman, 34, 357 n.; in three in summer, 4, 256, 256 n. ; consequence of the Lord's conjunc- Pragâpati ordained that men should tion with M. the creation is unavoid- eat only in the evening and mornable, 34, 357 n., 369; not a Buddhisting, 12, 361 sq. ; invitations to m. conception, 36, 141 sq. 11. ; emitted which a Bhikkhu may accept, 13, by the omniform Narayana, 38, 157; 13; 17, 72-6, 89-92; m. of a
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