the sinner with 7387, 389; strike
the host of in gni invoked to brin:
of the M., 46, 109; Agni (the roar- 32, 343; their bolt kills cattle and ing of the flames) compared with men, 32, 374; worshipped as housethe M., 46, 130, 138, 157, 303, 341; gods, 32, 371, 377, 387, 389; strike Agni identified with the host of M., the sinner with their thunderbolt, 46, 187, 191; Agni invoked to bring and forgive sin, 32, 379, 382; kill the host of the M. to the sacrifice, the enemy with the thunderbolt, 46, 198, 316; Agni strengthened by 32, 386; invited to drink Soma, 32, the M., 46, 266 ; sing to Agni a 386, 408 sq.; liberal givers of Soma pleasant song, 46, 268; cling to (rain), 32, 400; medicines of the Agni, 46, 273; have adorned them- M., 32, 402, 407; invoked for prosselves for Agni's glory, whose off- perity, 42, 48; grant life and spring they are, 46, 371, 373. well-being, 42, 53; invoked against (c) WORSHIP OF M., AND THEIR disturbers of holy rites, 42, 90; RELATION TO MEN.
invoked in a love-charm, 42, 104 ; Offerings to the M., 2, 202 ; 12, invoked at the restoration of an 387 sq., 394, 396-9, 402 sq. ; 25, exiled king, 42, 112, 328 ; call the 91; 29, 86, 331, 32, 106, &c. ; 41, king to the throne, 42, U3; in60 sq., 102; 43, 208–14; 44, 75, voked at the building of a house, 75 n., 336 1. ; the vital spirits of 42, 140; invoked to make the horse a student who breaks the vow of fleet, 12, 146; song of praise to the chastity go to the M., 2, 294, 294 n.; M., 42, 151, 548; rites to the M. devourers of foes, 12, 397; 32, performed to cure leprosy, 42, 106; offerings to the M. Santapanâh, 266 sq.; deities and metres, 43, 53, Grihamedhinah, and Krîdinah, 12, 331; were the guardsmen of King 408 n., 409-17, 410 n. ; 41, 76, Marutta, 44, 397; a Vaisya sacri76 n.; a pure offering to the pure ficed to the M. at the PurushaM., 14, 186; prayer to the M., 14, medha, 14, 413; invoked at the 318; the person in the wind wor- Pravargya, 44, 466; invoked by hosts shipped as the unconquerable army and troops, 46, 292; invited to sit of the M., 15, 101; the hosts of M. down on the sacrificial grass, 46, 418. entreat Buddha to teach the law, Marutta Avikshita, the Ayogava 21, 55; worshipped by the student king, performed a horse-sacrifice, who has broken his vow, 25, 454 sq.; 44, 397. 29, 362; animal sacrifices for the Mary, the Virgin, daughter of M., 26, 220 sq., 41, 13 sq., 125 sq.; Imrân, brought up by Zachariah, 44, 402; deity of a Ritu-graha, 26, 6,50 sq.; 9,292; the Virgin mother 320 1. ; are not oblation-eaters, 26, of Jesus, 6, 51 sq.; Jews calumniated 396 sq.; embryo offered to the M., M., 6, 93 ; legend of M., annuncia26, 396 sq. ; invoked at the Ashtaka, tion, birth of Jesus, 9, 28 sq.; called 29, 207; invoked for protection, 29, the sister of Aaron, 9, 29; the 280, 344 ; sacrifice to the M. at rites Spirit breathed into the Virgin M., relating to agriculture, 29, 326; 30, 9, 53; M. and her son made a sign 113 sq., eat what is not sacrificed by God, 9, 68. in the fire, 29, 331, 331 n. ; were Mar'zapân, a copyist of the Dînkard, ploughers, exuberant givers, 29, 338; 37, xxxv. if thou belongest to the M., I buy Mâsapûrikâ Sakhâ of the Uddeha thee for the M., 30, 53 ; worshipped Gana, 22, 290. at the Tarpana, 30, 243; hymns to Mashîkh, see Messias. the M., Vol. 32; invoked in battle Mashya (Marhaya, Mâshya, Masîyâ, against enemies, 32, 97 sq., 107 sq., Masyê) and Mashyôî (Mashyôi, Mar369, 375, 386 ; 42, 121 sq., 132 sq.; hîyôih, Mashyana), the first human invoked at the third Soma libation, pair, progenitors of mankind, 4, 32, 122 sq.; did not originally enjoy lviii; 5, 53-9, 53 11., 149; 18, 197– divine honours, 32, 166 sq.; give 200, 199 n., 225, 402, 411 sq., 416 ; wealth and protection, 32, 326 sq. ; 37, 26, 26 n.; 47, 6 sq., 6 1. ; they good warriors come from the M., grew up from the earth, 5, 120, 183
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