44, 189; 46, 13, 23, 363 ; is lord of 375, 385, 405; the house-lord of all powers, 46, 114 sq.; is self-depen- this world, 26, 453 n. ; worshipped dent, 46, 281, 350, 354, 371 ; pos- at the house-building, 29, 347; worsesses mysterious power, 46, 389; shipped on entering a new house, is the lord and increaser of strength, 29, 95 sq.; 42, 141; worshipped on 46, 164, 259, 380, the baby quail, returning home from a journey, 29, by the mystic Act of Truth, drives 97; protects the house, 12, 358 back the great A., 35, 180 11., sq.; invoked to protect the house 185 n.
from fire, 42, 147; prayer to A., (2) A. AS A KIND AND HELPFUL at the removal of a house, 42, 194GOD.
6, 600; a friend of the house A guardian and a father, 44, 439; (damûnas), 46, 67, 142, 221, 229 46, 23 sq.; leads one over the paths, sq., 233, 240, 332, 352, 364, 375, 44, 438 ; is like a beloved wife, 46, 385; is in every house, 46, 343; 88; the good abode is A., for the lord of the human clans, 46, A. abides with all creatures in 13, 52, 130, 187, 233, 363, 375, 379, this world, 44, 457 ; is the friend 387; is the shepherd of the clans, of men, 32, 82, 94 ; 44, 189; 46, 108, 119; belongs to many 46, 95; the safest and nearest people, dwells among all the clans, of the gods, 12, 163; is the lowest 46, 31, 54, 67, 102, 104, 173, 229 god, i.e. nearest to men, 46, 307, sq., 261, 379, 397, 414; the king 311; looks on all creatures, since or leader of the human tribes, 46, he has been born, 46, 137; gives 49, 194, 244, 259; protects all health and wealth, 12, 236; 26, settlements, 46, 88. 241; 32, 194; 46, 379; strength, (n) A. AS CONNECTED WITH WOMEN beauty, and wealth dwell in A., 46, AND MARRIAGE. 188; winner of horses, giver of Women belong to A., 14, 133; wealth, 46, 209; invoked for the gave women purity of all limbs, 14, treasure of Dyaus or Heaven, 46,308 233; the wife-leader, 26, 367, 367 sq.; lord of treasures, 44, 192; 46, 49, n.; the third husband of the bride, 52, 70, 82, 215, 375; addressed as 29, 278 sq. ; 30, 190; 42, 254, 323; food on which everything lives, 46, the lover of maidens, the husband 37, 40; every nourishment goes of wives, 46, 57, 59; the girls towards A., 46, 75; all-enlivener, sacrifice to A., 29, 44, 282; gives 46, 281; is all-wealthy, 46, 157, the bride to the husband, 29, 283; 170; is a bountiful Lord (maghavan), at the marriage of Soma and Sûryâ, 46, 131, 167, 187; is like the udder 26, xiv ; 29, 283 ; prayers and of the cows, and the sweetness of offerings to A. at marriage rites, food, 46, 67 sq.; called 'the well- 2, 305; 29, 27, 32, 168 sq. ; 30, 49, harnessed wealth,' 46, 89, 91; gives 187 sq., 190; unites husband and wealth, long life, offspring, victory, wife, 46, 371; invoked for the proand booty in battle to those who tection of the bride, 29, 41, 44, praise him, 46, 22 sq., 31 sq., 37, 281 sq., 288; invoked by a maiden 45 sq., &c. ; a healer, creator of for a husband, 42, 94, 323; invoked medicine, 30, 143, 145; the god in a love-charm, 42, 104; invoked who gives rain, 46, 292, 302,
to cause the return of a truant (m) A. THE GOD OF THE HOUSE woman, 42, 106; the blood of the AND THE CLAN.
woman is a forni of A., 1, 232; The householder or lord of the dwells in the menstrual discharge of house (grihapati), 42, 183; 44, 189; a maiden, 33, 171 n.; is the causer 46,31, 52, 64, 130, 176,352, 385, 413; of sexual union, the progenitor, see also above A. Grihapati (p. 13); 26, 98; 29, 27; men worship A., worshipped in the house, 46,88; the together with their wives, 46, 82; guest of the clans, or of the house, identified with the sacrificer's wife, 41, 281, 290, 292; 46, 137, 202, 46, 348; with the wives of the 226, 233, 292, 309 sq., 364, 371, gods, 26, 365 n.; invoked for off
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