mind, 15, 22; impediments in the 130; is inferior to devotion, 8, 73; way of k., 15, 341 sqq.; how parents esteemed highest, 8, 75; pious and rulers should deal with ignor- works are means of k., 8, 159, ance, 16, 64-6, 66 n. ; generated by 159 n. ; 34, lxxviii; 37, 321; 38, union of instinctive and acquired 292 sq., 306-9, 313, 315, 358-62; wisdom, 18, 409 ; of animals by 48, 703; is one of the twelve great instinct, of men by toil only, 24, 39; observances, 8, 167; by k. everwhy an ignorant man will not learn, lasting glory is attained, by action 24, 96 sq.; all k. depends on k. of perishable worlds, 8, 179; as a mode the sacred being, 24, 140 ; three of piety, 8, 376; understanding or modes of acquiring k., 24, 140-2; k. performs the sacrifice, it performs the tree of k. in the garden of Eden, all works, 15, 57; 48, 555; all 24, 179, 200, 210, 218-20 ; when rites performed through k., 25, does it arise, in this life or in the 132; as long as true k. is not next ? 34, Ixxvi, 228; 38, 316, reached, the ordinary course of 327-30 ; cannot be founded on works holds on undisturbed, 34, reasoning, 34, 316 sq.; rests on the 324; promoted by giving to the wise Veda, 34, 317; the divine eye, i.e. what is needful, 37, 371 ; loving insight, cannot arise, when the religion through k., 37, 381 ; incause is destroyed, 35, 179 sq., 184; junctions and prohibitions do not eagerness for k., 37, 346; how k. refer to him who has obtained is obtained, 37, 350; 38, 306-27, perfect k., 38, 67; k. and works are 331-7; 39, 89 sq. ; 48, 414; the two roads for entering on the natural wisdom and acquired k., road of the gods and the road of the 37, 434, 442; true k. will spring up fathers, 38, 123-5, 234 ; works are of itself, it cannot be enjoined, 38, co-operative for the origination of 163, 164 sq.; belongs to those who k., but not for the fruits of k., 38, are bound to chastity, 38, 295; 313; good works also obstruct the persons who are qualified for k., 38, result of k., 38, 356 sq.; nescience, 315 sq. ; learning, childlike state, work, and former k., limiting and Muni-hood are auxiliaries to k., adjuncts of the soul, 38, 367 ; by 38, 322-4; 48, 700 sq., 708-12; the k. he who knows secures for himk. of creatures depends on their self the benefits of a performance breathing, 40, 139, 139 n.; five of a thousand years, 43, 362 sq.; kinds of obstruction to right k., 45, by k, alone fire-altars are built, 43, 172, 172 n., 193; passion and dark- 380; the highest state attained by ness antagonistic to it, goodness the k., not by sacrificial rites, 43, 389 cause of it, 48, 18; two kinds of k., sc.; is not subordinate to works, from Sâstras and Yoga, 48, 284; but is itself beneficial to man, 48, origination of true k. depends on 686-96; arises from good works, if caste, âsrama, and other conditions, not obstructed by other works, 48, 48,750 ; seven steps leading towards 712 sq. ; good and evil works the highest k., 49 (ü), 96, 96 n. See destroyed by k., 48, 724 sq. also Perception, and Teacher. (c) VARIOUS KINDS AND OBJECTSOFK. (6) K. AND WORKS.
Threefold k., three kinds of k., Both k. and good works are k.of threefold quality, 1, 2 sq., 32 sq., necessary for overcoming death, and 35; 7, 127; 8, 124, 331; 10 (ii), obtaining immortality, 1, 312 sq., 17; 29, 16; 36, 265, 265 n. ; 49 319; 38, 359, 361; 48, 699 sq.; (ii), 24, 193 ; Paryankavidyâ, or k. relation of k.and works, 1, 314-20; of Brahman's couch, 1, 276; 38, 15, xxvi; 38, 330; 48, 9-11, 18 sq., 400; science of the Adhyâtnia, the 725-7; real salvation can be chief of sciences, 8, 81 sq., 90; obtained by k. alone, not by good Krishna, the object of k., 8, 97; works, 1, 314 sqq. ; 38, 267, 307; real k. is k. of Kshetra and Kshe. is superior to devotion, 8, u sq.; tragña, 8, 102 sq.; act of k., object the sacrifice of k., 8, 62, 83, 83 n., of k., result of k., and the knower,
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