with Khang-wû Zze, 39, 192 sq. and Kî, a barbarian captive of Lî, married n. ; 40, 279.
by Duke Hsien, 27, 126, 127 n. Khvanîras, or Iran, a region of the Ki, see Khi. earth, 5, 32 sq. ; 37, 20, 2011. ; six K'ia-fû, author of an ode of the Shih, races of men in Kh., 5, 58; Zaratûst, 3, 295, 353. its spiritual chief, 5, 116; the middle Kiâ Î, The Royal Regulations' portion of the earth, 5, 175; 18, 79, compiled after his death, 27, 18. 79 n.; the immortal rulers of Kh., Kiang, see Thai-kiang.
8,256 sq., 256 n., 258 n.; 37, 202- K’iang-lü Mien, n.p., 39, 318 sq., 4; races established in Kh, and the 318 n. six regions around it, 37, 26; the Kiang Yuan, mother of Hâu-ki, 3, Mâzendarâns and Kh., 37, 216–18. 341, 341 n., 396 sq. and n. See also Iran.
Kiâo Kû, visits the dying Ki WîKhvâst-aîrikht, n.p., 5, 135. zze, 27, 162. Khwâi Shang, received the con- Kia-po, chief Administrator of Yû,
dolences from Duke Ai, 27, 187. 3, 356. Khwăn, father of Yü, appointed by Kia-ti-na râga, son of Kusika,
Yâo to stay the flood, 3, 16, 35, versed in heretical systems, 19, 11. 35 n., 139 sq.; 28, 208; made a K’ieh, sovereign of Hsiâ, punished prisoner by Shun, 3, 41; the cor- by Thang, 3, 84-90, 85 n., 93, 93 n., relate of Heaven at border sacri- 127 sq., 215, 215 n., 221, 310, 310 fices, 28, 202, 202 n.
n.; 27, 396; 40, 162, 178; a bad Khwăn, the unfortunate son of Zze- ruler, 28, 418; 39, 242, 291, 295, kbî, 40, 106-8.
380, 386; 40, 64, 136, 177; killed Khwang-zze, did not see his father, Kwan Lung-fắng, 39, 205; perished, 40, 180, 180 n.
40, 131. Khwăn Hwun, a sage accompany- Kieh, t.w., 39, 220. ing Hwang-Tî, 40, 96.
Kieh-zze, holds that the Tâo may Khwei, Director of Music to Shun, allow of influence, 40, 129, 129 n. 3, 44 sq., 44 n., 61; 28, 105, 105 11., Kieh Zze-thui, cut a piece from his 275 sq.
thigh as food for Duke Wăn, 40, Khwei, Master of the Horse to Yû, 173 sq. 3, 356.
Kien Wû, conversation between Khwei, son of King Wan of Kâo, him and Lien Shû, 39, 127, 170 sq.; 40, 186 sq., 186 n.
got the Tâo, 39, 244, 244 n.; his Khwei, sprites haunting hills, 40, interview with Khieh-yü, the mad 19. See also Animals (i).
recluse, 39, 260; and Sun-shû Ao, Khwei, synibol of, a hexagram, 16, 40, 54 sq. 139 sq., 140 n., 243, 243 n., 314, Kìgs, see Kavis. 314 n., 385, 436, 442.
Kih, Grand Music- Master of Lû, Kî, ancestor of the duke of Kâu, 3, arranged the Shih King, 3, 280.
153 ; King K. of Kâu was humble Kih, the robber, 39, 139, 273, 275, and reverentially cautious, 3, 203; 285, 292, 328; 40, 285; interview father of King Văn, 3, 380 sq., 380 between him and Confucius, 39, n.; 27, 343; 28, 309; successor to 157 sq.; 40, 166-76; on the prinKing Thâi, 3, 390; associated with ciples of robbery, 39, 283 sq.; a bad God at the border sacrifice, 27, 430 ruler, 39, 295. sq., 430 n.; 28, 202 ; questions put Kih-khwâi, resigned his marquisate, by Thang to K., 39, 167; took the 39, 380. place of his elder brother, 40, 178, Kih-li Yî, teacher of Kû Phing-inan, 178 n.
40, 206. Ki, Shun's minister, spread abroad a Ki-hsien, the wizard of Kang, de
knowledge of agriculture, 3, 258. feated by HÛ-zze, 39, 137, 262-5. Kî, count of, his correct action, 16, Ki Hsing-zze, how he trains a fight
135, 137 n., 242, 242 n.; feigned ing-cock, 40, 20. himself mad, 40, 131.
Kih Tâo-zze, 1.p., 27, 179 sq., 179 n. S.B. IND.
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