Kalinga, a relic of Buddha in, 11, Kamandalu, a Nâga, who worships 135; the king of K. cut the Bodhi- Buddha, 49 (i), 170. sattva's flesh, 49 (ii), 127, 127 n. Kâmarddhi, disciple of Suhastin, Kalingas, art of, an occult science, 22, 291. 45, 366.
Kâmarddhika Kula of the VesaKâlodayin, disciple of Buddha, 21, vậtika Gana, 22, 291. 198 ; 49 (ii), 9o.
Kâmasâstra, or Strîveda, quoted, Kalpas, see Ages of the World (a). 45, 274, 274 n. Kalpa-sûtra, see Gaina Sûtras. Kâma Sûtra, Gayamangala, comKalpa-sútras, and Brâhmanas, 12, mentary on it, its date, 22, 282 sq. n. xlvii; K. and Pûrva Mimâmsa-sútras, Kamasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 146. their relation to each other, 31, Kâmbogas, degraded Kshatriyas, xii.
25, cxiv-cxvii, 412. Kâludâyi, drinks wine, 19, xiv. Kamkin, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 (ii), Kâma, or Lust, the unchaste 109. student's expiatory sacrifice to, 2, Kamma, see Karman, and Works (c). 86, 294 ; 14, 215 sq., 318; 29, 362; Kampâ, n. of a great city, 11, 99, offerings to K., 2, 107; 14, 118; 29, 247 ; 17, 1, i n. ; 45, 108; Buddha 388; 30, 23; prayer addressed to at K., 17, 256-84; Mahâvîra at K., K., 2, 298; 42, 220-3, 591-5; Mâra 22, 264. and K. identified, 10 (i), 17 n.; 49 Kampila, n. of a Bhikshu, 49 (ii), 2. (i), 137-9, 147 ; the Brahmakârin Kâmpila, Subhadrâ living in, 44, of K., 29, 65; funeral oblation to K., 321 sq. n. 29,242; worshipped at the Tarpana, Kâmpilya, Sambhůta born as 30, 244; arrow of K., the love-god, Brahmadatta, at, 45, 57; Sangaya 42, 102, 311 sq., 311 n.; poured into was king in the town of K., 45, the waters, 42, 104 sq., 535 sq., 80 sq. 535 n.; the Brahmans beg the sterile Kampîyikâ Sâkhâ of the Uduvâtika cow for K., 42, 176 ; K, or Love Gana, 22, 291. (creative desire) as a primordial Kamrôs, see Birds (b). power, 42, 223, 359, 591 sq.; a Kamru, and Amru, mythical birds, gandharva, 42, 536 ; a type of 23, 210, 210 n. manly beauty, 49 (i), 37.
Kâmyeshti, see Sacrifices (b). Kâmaduh, the miraculous cow, 45, Kan, speech at the battle of, 3, 104.
76 sq. Kâmah Bahrah, his account of the Kanabhug, see Kanada.
Nasks, 37, 419, 419 n. Kamak, see Birds (6).
a philosophical school, 34, 315; his Kâmak-sûl, Av. Vouru-savô, one Vaiseshika-sútras, 31, 384 ; his of the producers of the renovation, doctrines, 34, 386 sq., 392 sq. ; 38, 18, 78 sq. n., 79.
5, 33, 69; 48, 425 sq., 430, 454, Kâmak-vakhshin, Av. Vouru- 544; K. and Khaluya Rohagutta, nemô, one of the producers of the 45, Xxxvii sq. ; his views altogether renovation, 18, 78 sq. n., 79.
to be disregarded by the Vedantin, Kamalâ, a Brâhman woman, con- 48, 500, 520.
verted by Buddha, 49 (i), 194. Kânâdas, see Vaiseshikas. Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâ. Kanak-i Barzist, n.p., 5, 136. gasankusumitâ bhigña,n. of a Ta- Kanakya Kautilya, quoted by thâgata, 21, 393 sq., 396 sqq., 404. Kamandaki, 25, xxxvi, xxxviii n. Kamalâvatî, wife of the king ishu- Kanda, a prince, the Bodisat born
kâra, 45, 62 ; becomes a nun, 45, 67. as, 35, 290. Kâmandakîya Nîtisâra, t.w., on Kanda, his daughters female demons, the duties of a king, 25, Ixix; quoted, 42, 66, 301. 25, 240 n., 241 n., 243 n., 246 n.; Kandabhibhû, the 18th Tathâgata, quotes Mânava Dharma-sútra, 25, 49 (ii), 6. XXXVI-Xxxviii, xxxviii n.
Kandagutta, see Kandragupta.
his account of the Kanada, or Kanabhug, 124215; his
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