feeding A. by kindling sticks, 41, world wherein A. ruleth, 44, 319; 254-63; plants the food of A., 42, the animal living in the water and 42; 43, 335; A. is the eater of food, walking in the forest, 46, 164; the 1, 159 ; 12, 301, 323; 15, 314; beast, mows off deserts and habit34, 116 sq.; 44, 63; food offered able land like a mower, 46, 382, to A. the eater of food, 12, 303; 387; shakes his horns, like a terrible food-gainer, 12, 127; drinking beast, 46, 142; the buffalo hidden Soma, 46, 110, 128, 304 ; adorned in the depth, 46, 147, 150; the with ghee, 46, 137; whose robe is strong bull, vrishan, 32, 144, 146; ghee, 46, 275, 296; shoots with 46, 137, 142, 147, 167, 244, 271, arrows, 46, 331; the red liorses or 308, 312 sq., 326, 335, 366 sq., 370, flames of A., 32, 16, 19 sq., 24-7, 393 sq. (red), 423; the bull with a 39; 46, 42, 141, 144, 167 sq., 202, thousand horns, 42, 105, 208 sq., 244 and 246 (seven-tongued), 308, 373 ; 46, 364; ox sacred to A., 12, 316, 340 sq., 379 sq.; the stallions 322; 44, 438; Nights and Dawns of A., 32, 140; harnesses his steeds, have been lowing for A., as for 41, 399; the seven reins (or rays) the calf, 46, 193; the young calf, of A., 46, 206-8; has a red or which Night and Dawn suckle, 46, brown horse, 41, 257; 42, 422; 114, 116, 119, 124, 167 sq. ; ccmwhen thou hast yoked to thy chariot the pared to a horse, 12, 102 n., 109, two ruddy, red horses, whom the wind 121; 46, 16, 57, 67, 91, 158, 176, drives forward, and thy roaring is like 206 sa.. 217. 220. 220. 285. 202. that of a bull, then thou movest the trees
296 sq., 302, 317, 344, 360, 363 with thy hanner of smoke. A.! May
(white racer); shaking his tongue we suffer no harm in thy friendship, 46, 109, 149, 217; comes in a golden
among the plants he waves his
tail like a horse, 46, 202 ; led chariot, 46, 232, 233, 245, 269, 308,
forward by a great rope (like a 348; his chariot is light, 46, 141;
horse), 46, 308, 312; is cleaned or whose chariot is lightning, 46, 268;
groomed like a horse, 46, 360, 364; compared to a charioteer, 46, 165,
the horse is A., 41, 204, 212; the 162, 193, 233, 292; is the quick
white horse, 26, 149; 41, 360 ; chariot, 46, 261 sq. ; wives of A.,
led forward by the horse, 41, 356 46, 59, 141-5, 220, 225 sq.; his wife,
sq.; white horse led in front of the flame, 21, 372 n.; the lover of the dawn, 46, 67; the dawns, his
Agni, 41, 359; a horse (sun) indicates
A. at the Agnikayana, 41, 207-12 ; divine consorts, 46, 336; beloved
the roaring snake, 46, 103, 105; the by Night and Dawn, 46, 74, 76; is
serpent with beautiful splendour, the mate of the Krittikâs, 12, 283;
the winged (son?) of Prisni, lights is the mate of Vedi, 43, xvii, xviin.;
up both gods and men, 46, 193, legend of A. courting the waters, 12,
196; as a bird, 41, 157; 44, 435; 277 sq., 277 n.; as a father begat the ruddy cows (dawns), 46, 220,
46, 119, 240, 242, 249; the
embryonic A. fashioned into a 227; the germ of beings, the father of Daksha, 46, 296; produced Ekata,
bird, 41, 273-5; the divine eagle Dvita, and Trita, 42, 521; the kins
or the lightning, 42, 401; his
flames are winged, 46, 331;-the ass man or brother of the rivers, 46, 54.
sacred to A., 29, 366; rules over (S) THERIOMORPHIC CONCEPTION OF cattle, 26, 343, 343 n.; 41, 187; A., AND HIS RELATIONS TO ANIMALS. see also above, p. 13, A. Purîshya ;
A. (fire-altar) is an animal, 41, is the cattle, 41, 196 sq., 198, 392 ; 342, 361, 363, 399 sq. ; 43, 40, 50, the gods collected A. from out of 78; identical with the animal vic- the cattle, 41, 230; worshipped at tims, 41, 164-6; Pragâpati wishes sacrifices for the thriving of cattle, to perform sacrifice with A. as the 30, 89, 185 sq.; invoked to provictim, 44, 128; rules over all ani- tect the footsteps of the cattle, 46, mals, 42, 50; A. was an animal, and 61-3; implored for nourishment of was sacrificed, and he gained that the cow, 46, 222; accompanied by
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