God, 6, 6, 17; saved from Pharaoh's and other rites, 7, 126, 235; 25, people, 6, 6, 153 sq., 202 sq. ; 9, 93, 118; 29, 248; as a branch of sacred 219; manna and quails sent down learning, 14, 144 n.; 29, 218 sq.; for them, 6, 7; mountain held over as authorities on law, 14, 149 n.; them, 6, 8, 12, 93, 159; manifest satiated at the Tarpana, 14, 255; 30, signs given to them, 6, 30; God 244; mentioned after the Atharvamade a covenant with them and veda, 14, 320; quoted as authorities chose twelve wardens, 6,99; wander on religion and philosophy, 34, 198, for forty years in the desert, 6, 217, 222 sq., 304, 348; 38, 235, 315; 100 sq.; worship the calf, and are 48, 409, 460 sq., 751; are of human punished, 6, 155 sq., cut up into origin, hence do not constitute an twelve tribes, 6, 157; punished for independent means of authoritative disobedience, 6, 157 sq.; their two knowledge, 34, 218; are based on sins, and their punishment, 9, 1 sq., mantra, arthavâda, and perception, i n.; in the promised land, 9, 12; the 31, 222; 48, 330; all the four law first given to I. in the Book, then castes are qualified for acquiring to Mohammed, 9, 222, See also Jews. the knowledge of them, 34, 229; Isrâfîl, the archangel of the resurrec- 48, 338 sq. ; known to Milinda, 35, tion, 6, Ixix.
6; the Brâhmanas occupied with Isvand, see Isvat.
I., 35, 247, 247 n.; related at the Isvara (Lord, God), in the Anugîtâ, Pariplava Akhyâna during the horse8, 219; is the lord of all gods, sacrifice, 44, xxxi, 369, 369 n.; inDânavas, Bhûtas, &c., 8, 354 ; cluded in the daily study of the Buddha honoured like 1., 19, 142; Veda, 44, 98, 98 n., 101, 101 n.; Ginas with strength like I., 19, 275; the Veda should be made to grow I. and Mahesvara, two gods, honour by I., 48, 91; their teaching about Buddha, 21, 4, 55, 349; Avalokite. Brahman, 48, 126; are means of svara assumes the shape of I., 21, meditation as supporting the Veda, 401; worshipped for the thriving of but not independently of the Veda, cattle, 30, 89; the world created by 48, 338 sq.; refer to Kapila, 48, 1., 45, 244; 49 (i), 100. See also 409. God (d).
I-tsing, translated the VagrakkheIsvara-Gîtâ, the same as Bhaga- dikâ, 49 (ii), xiii. vadgîtâ, 8, 2; 38, 63.
Itvara, or Ingitamarana, Gaina t.t., Isvat, or Isvand, son of Varâza, 23, suicide by starving oneself, 22, 72, 203; a priest at the renovation, 37, 72 n. 262, 262 n.
Ĩ Yin, or A-hăng, or Pio-hăng, the Itarâ, mother of Mahidâsa Aitareya, great Sage,' Thang's chief adviser, 1, xciv, xcv.
3, 90, 90 n., 92-103, 113, 118,118 n., Itihasa, or ancient story: Anugîtâ 206 sq., 207 n., 311, 311 n.; 40, called a puratana I., 8, 198; parables 162; cook of Thang, 40, 89. of the Upanishads referred to as I., 8, 207, 210, 226, 268, 270, 282; 1. in form of dialogues related in the Anugîtâ, 8, 256, 261, 274, 277, 289, 293, 296, 303, 310; the fifth Veda, Jackal, see Animals (k). 10 (ii), 98; Bâvarî versed in the Jacob, sets up a stone as a pillar three Vedas and I., 10 (ii), 189; I. at Bethel, 6, xiii; instructs his son and Purânas, see Itihasa-purâna. to believe in God, 6, 18; an inItihâsa-purâna, or Itihâsas and spired prophet, 6, 57, 94, 125; 9, Purânas, correspond to the Atharva. 30, 51; Isaac and J. granted to veda, 1, 39 sq. and n.; mentioned Abraham, 6, 213; 9, 120; story along with the Vedas, the fifth Veda, of the sons of J., Joseph, 6, 2191, 109, 110, III, 115; 15, 330 sq.; 30; was of the elect, 9, 18o. 29, 51; Brahmanas should be versed Jamshed = Yima Khshaệta. See in the 1., 2, 215; recited at Sraddhas Yim.
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