Kaabah, Mecca, and Mosque; so of Alexander, 4, xlvii sq., liv; long as the Vaggians honour their translated, 31, 230-44. shrines, so long will they prosper, Homicide (manslaughter, murder), 11, 4; places of pilgrimage for causes loss of caste, 2, 74 ; 25, 444 ; devout Buddhists, 11, 90 sq.; an composition paid for h. (Wergeld), ascetic should not care for the three 2, 78 sq. n., 285 ; 6, 25, 85; 14, Pushkaras, 14, 48; mountains, rivers, 201 sq. and n. ; 32, 356, 361; &c., destroy sin, 14, 117, 311; penance for committing h., 2, 78-82, residing and bathing in h. p. purifies 83, 90, 283-5, 292 sq. ; 7, 157 sq. ; from sin, 14, 128, 136; 49 (i), 8, 22, 14, 107 sq., 118; 25, 444-9, 455-8, 74 ; not to be entered without 480; law of self-defence, 2, 90 sq.; having cleansed one's feet, 14, 249; 14, 19, 200, 25, 314 sq. ; 33, 285; Kaityas raised in honour of former 37, 38; punishments for h., 2, 167; Buddhas, 19, 323, 334 sq.; Vikara- 4, +4 sq.; 33, 202 sq.; assassination bhîmi and vihârabhûmi, places for of a king, 2, 277; sin of killing a religious practices or for study, 22, Brâhmana, penance for it, 2, 278, 90, 96, 163, 170 ; festivals and feasts 280 ; 7, 132, 181; 8, 389 ; 14, 5, in honour of h.p., &c., 22,92; near 105 sq., 109, 127, 132 sq., 211, 222, rivers, marshes, or ponds, 22,182; the 296, 299, 310, 317; 25, 270, 440 sq., country of the Brahmarshis, 25, 32 496; 33, 229 sq.; 44, 341, 396 ; sin sq. ; h. p. not to be defiled, 25, 136; of murdering one of the faithful, 4, pilgrimages to the Ganges and the 33, 33 n., 103 ; laws about h., 6, 25, land of the Kurus, 25, 270 ; 33, 246; 85 ; 14, 201 sq. ; 33, 85, 359, 363 holy fields exempt from taxes, 27, sq.; 37, 53; sin of h., 6, 101 sq., 227; sacrifice offered at a Kaitya or 135; 9,89; 42, 521 sq., seven kinds holy shrine, 29, 178 sq. ; the bridal of assassins, 7, 41; crimes of h. procession passing h.p., 30, 262; which are equal to killing a obstruction of the sanctuary of Brahmana, 7, 133 sq.; sin of slaying
y forbidden, 33, 158; dis- women, children, or suppliants, 7, cussions on secret doctrines should 133 sq., 180; 25, 270, 469; slaying not be carried on in h.p., 35, 139; a sacrificer, 7, 133 sq. ; 26, 35; sin miracles at the Ketiyas or mounds of slaying a friend, 7, 134 ; 25, 441; raised over the ashes of deceased crime of killing a Kshatriya, or a Arhats, 36, 174-6; altar with bells, Vaisya, or a Sûdra, 7, 136, he kills 40, 31 sq.; sacrificial hall erected to not and is not killed, 8, 44 sq., 123; Kwang-jze, 40, 320-3; the Law is h. is a sin, except for just cause, 9, 'the pond,' celibacy 'the holy 4 sq.; murder of a husband, of a bathing-place' of the monk, 45, 56; learned Brâhmana, and destruction h. p. of pilgrimage are ladders to of embryo, are the only crimes by heaven, 49 (i), 75 ; Tîrthas in which women become outcasts, 14, Râgagriha, 49 (i), 104; Kaityas 133; revenge for bloodshed, 27, with relics of Buddha, 49 (i), 166-8; 140; punishment of parricide and (ii), 124, 130; holy rivers, 49 (i), regicide, 27, 195, 195 n.; slaying 168. See also Altar, and Temples. a mother, a father, an Arhat, Holy women, see Nuns.
excludes from conversion, 36, Holy Word, see Mãthra Spenta, 78 n., 177. See also Abortion, and Prayers, Revelation, Sacred Books, Slaughter. and Zoroastrianism.
Honesty, not acting dishonestly, Hôm, see Haonha.
part of the conduct of the good, 8, Home, ceremonies for officers 243. See also Truth.
leaving their country, 27, 104 sq.; Honey, food is, 1, 162; h.-mixture how one should try to stop rulers (madhuparka) for the guest, 2, 120 or officers from leaving their state, sq., 205 ; 14, 49, 244 ; 25, 75, 96 sq., 27, 107; rite performed to avoid 175, 374 ; 29, 89, 197-200, 274 sq., being deprived of one s h., 44, 126. 433; 30, 130 sq., 171-4, 278 ; 42, Hôm Yast, written after the death 84; used as a medicine, 6, 257,
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