things used for rites shall be in create anything, 6, 252; 9, 64, 83, accordance with the requirements 161; if there were other g., they of the sp., 27, 395, 395 n.; distinc. would rebel against God, 9, 5; tion between g. and manes, 27, 430, themselves have recourse to God, 430 n.; the Father of Husbandry, 9, 7, 7 1.; deny their worshippers 27, 431; communion with the sp. on judgement day, 9, 32; cannot by sacrifices, 27, 434-6; marriage defend the idolators against God, a service of the sp., 27, 441 sq., do 9, 49 ; are helpless and cannot help, not take liberties with or weary sp., 9, 153, 167; are punished in hell, 28, 73; music and ceremonies bring as well as the idolators, 9, 169; down the sp. from above, 28, 114; worship of false g., in order to be the honouring of sp., 28, 219, brought nearer to God, 9, 182 ; 341 sq.; the Spiritual Intelligences desert their worshippers on the last served with reverence, 28, 239; day, 9, 204. See also Ginns. communion with the Spiritual Gog and Magog, 9, 25, 25 n., 54. Intelligences attained by purifica- Gôgôsasp, or Gôsasp, n. of a tion, 28, 240, 245; sacrifices give Zoroastrian teacher, 5, 243, 243 n., expression to the loving feeling 265 sq., 275. towards the sp., 28, 271; the powers Gôkard (or Gôkerânô,or Gôkerenô), of sp., 28, 307 sq. and n.; the see Haoma, and Trees. superior man presents himself Gôkîhar, the great one of the before them, 28, 325; the Spiritual middle of the sky,' 5, 21 sq. and n.; Intelligences of heaven and earth, leader of planets, 5, 113 sq., 113 n.; 28, 349; eight sp. worshipped by falls from a moonbeam on to the the founder of the Khin dynasty, earth, 5, 125; burns the serpent in 39, 41, 41 n.; the power of the sp. the melted metal, 5, 129, 129 n. or manes, 39, 82, 104; sp. of the Gôk-pato, see Gôpatshah. land worshipped under an oak-tree, Gold, man consists of, 1, 205; at 39, 2 17-19; from the Tâo came the night one should not study in a wood mysterious existences of the sp., where there is no fire nor g., 2, 44 ; 39, 243, 243 n.; the Taoist sage is, like fire, a means of purification, suffers not from ghosts and is not 2, 66 sq. ; 7, 101; 44, 235 n., 236, scared by the sp, of the dead, 39, 239, 239 11.; eating g., a penance, 2, 333; the Taoist sage suffers no 276, 276 n.; 14, 117, 311; its origin, reproof from the sp. of the dead, 5, 183; 18, 199; Asvattha tree of 39, 365; tutelary sp. of the land do golden leaves, 8, 189; the first not bestow their blessings selfishly, among precious things, 8, 209, 353; 39, 382; altars raised to the spirit one should not wish for g., 8, 365; of the grain, 40, 75; man's relation used at auspicious rites, 12, 276 to men and sp., 40, 83, 83 n.; sp. sq. n., 277 sq.; 26, 63, 74, 100 n., in heaven and earth take account 224, 238; 29, 22, 36, 50 sq., 143, of men's actions and curtail their 182, 214, 294 ; 30, 56, 166 sq., 210, lives according to the gravity of 213, 258 sq., 276, 281 sq.; 42, 94, their transgressions, 40, 235 sq., 322, 348 sq.; 41, 537 sq.; Agni's 244; bad men revile the sp., 40, seed became 8., 12, 277 sq., 322; 242; the Divine Ruler of the 26, 54, 59, 63, 238, 390; 41, 45, 59, eastern Hwa, the Divine Ruler of 121; 44, 187, 275, 462, 467; born the Golden Gate, and the Royal- from fire, 14, 134 ; 25, 189, 189 n.; mother of the West, 40, 248 sq. See 42, 63; gift of g. meritorious, 14, also Ancestor Worship (a, b).
135 ; Gâmbûnada g., 19, 23; 49 (ii), (0) FALSE G. IN ISLÂM.
173, 176, 178, 180, 182; new-born Nature-g. (Ginns) worshipped by child fed with g., honey, and butter, the Arabs, 6, xi sq.; patron deities 25, 34, 34 sq. n.; Snâtaka wears of Arabian tribes, 6, xii; false g. golden ear-rings, 25, 134 ; the can neither harm nor profit people, offering with g. before the buying 6, 194, 204; are lifeless, cannot of Soma, 26, 52-60; is immortal,
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