planation of the Hindu belief in (c) CHINESE WORLD PERIODS. Kalpas, &e., 45, 16 sq. n.; deteriora- The period of 'the Grand Course' tion of the world in the successive followed by that of the 'Small Trana., 33, 3, 3 n.; in the age when quillity,' 27, 364-7, 365 n.; primimen were all virtuous and veracious, tive ages, 27, 369; the period of there were no lawsuits, 33, 5, 5 n., great order,'28, 118; primaeval state 277; at the expiration of a Kalpa, of innocence, 3,255 n.; the primaeval all entities enter Krishna's nature, age of perfect virtue when Tâo ruled and at the beginning of a Kalpa he men, 39, 26-8, 139-41, 277-80, 287brings them forth again, 8, 82; 90, 325; 40, 171, 284; the paradissolution of the world at the end disiacal state under the influence of the great world periods, 34, of the Tâo, not yet superseded by xxvi, 212; there is no measure the wisdom of the world,' 39, 60of the past and the future Kalpas, 2; difference between the age of 34, 361; king resembles the four perfeet virtue, and the present time, a., 25, 396; size of mankind in 39, 353 sq.; The State of Estabdifferent Kalpas, 36, 133 n.; among lished Virtue,' where the Taoist all a. the Krita is the first, 8, 353; enjoys himself, 40, 30 sq.; the parathe Tretâ age, the age of sacrifices, disiacal state when men lived like 15, 30; twelve hundred years of the birds, 40, 312; the rulers who disgods are a Kali Yuga, 7, 77, 77 n.; turbed the primaeval paradisiacal in the Kali Yuga no Rishis are born, state, 39, 295 sq.; how the age of 2, xviii; the sinful Kali Yuga, perfect virtue came to an end, 39, 2, 175 n.; Niyoga not to be practised 359 sq.; 40, 312 sq., 316 sq. See also in the Kali age, 33, 369; Krita, Paradise. Tretâ, Dvâpara as names of dice, Aggâlava, temple of, 10 (ii), 57. 44, 416. See Time, and World (c). Aggikabhâradvâga, the Brâhmana, (6) ZOROASTRIAN MILLENNIUMS. is converted by Buddha, 10 (ii), 20-4.
Zoroastrian chronology by mil- Aggregates, the five a. (khandhâ), lenniums, 47, xii sq., xxvii-xxxviii, the conditions of individuality and xli, 15 1., 21-4, 23 sq. n.; four their cause, 11, 148, 148 n.; the periods of 3,000 years, 18, 198, dyad of a, assumed by the Bauddhas 198 n. ; three millenniums, 24, 345; with its two causes cannot be estab37, 254, 254 n.; six millenniums, 37, lished, 34, 400-9; the Gaina doctrine 403, 405 n.; millennium reigns for that a. are formed from the atoms, each constellation of the zodiae, 5, 34, 430 sq.; the seventeenfold aggre149-51, 149 n.; the evil millenniums, gate, 38,65,65 n. See also Skandhas. 18, 203, 203 n.; signs at the end of Aghâra, see Sacrifice (k). millenniums, 37, 33 sq., 279; four Aghora, n. d., the initiated boy periods in the millennium of Zara- given in charge to, 30, 154. tûst, 37, 181, 451 sq. ; 47, xi sq.; Aghraêratha, a semi-man (half bull, millenniums of Zoroaster, and the half man), brother of Afrâsyâb, 23, three future apostles, 24,15,15 n.; 47, 114 sq. and n., 222, 278, 304. See 94-118,949.; millenniums beforeand Aghrêrad. after Zoroaster, 47, 144; advantages Aghrêrad (Pablavi for Aghiraêratha), and disadvantages of the period, 37, son of Pashang, 5, 117, 135, 135 n.; 21 sq.; evil doings in the ninth and legend of A., 5, 135 sq. tenth centuries, 37, 257-60, 257 n.; Agigarta Sauyavasi, king Haritriumph of sacred beings over the skandra bought Sunahsepa the son demons at four periods, 37, 285; the of A.S., 14, 87; 44, xxxiv sq.; three periods of the universe : past saved himself from starvation by eternity, present existence, and fu- selling his son, 25, 424, 424 n. ture eternity, 37, 317, 317 n.; Zoroas- Agîgarti, see Sunahsepa. ter's vision of seven successive ages Agita, a pupil of Bâvarî, his questions (tree with seven branches), 47, xxiji answered by Buddha, 10 (ii), 187, sq.; steel age, &c., 47,87, 126, 126 n. 188-91, 210.
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