hâvîra, 22, 201; or Tirthakara, 34, Gisti, o.p., 23, 212. 429; there is now no G., but there Gîtâ, i.e. Bhagavadgîtâ, q.v. is a highly esteemed guide to show Gitvan Sailini, said that speech is the way, 45, 45; the arguments of Brahman, 15, 152. Buddha, G., andothers contradictory, Gîva, Sk. t.t., individual or personal 48, 425, 426; teaching of G. to be soul, 34, xxv. See Self, and Soul. rejected by the Vedântin, 48, 531. Gîva, 1.p., see Gîvaka. See also Buddha (a), and Ginas. Gîvaka Komârabhakka, physician of Ginakalpika, a, who wears no King Bimbisâra and one of the chief clothes, 22, 57 n.
partisans of Buddha, 13, 191-3; 17, Ginas, whatever they have declared, 180 sq., 193-6; 19, 241, 241 n.; 49 is truth, 22, 49 sq.; are born as (ii), 163 sq.; son of the courtesan gods in their former existence, 22, Sâlavatî, performs wonderful cures, 189, 217 sq., 271, 276, 281; lives 17, 172-94; recommends to Buddha of the G., 22, 217-85; adoration of the construction of cloisters and twenty-four G., 45, 159, 163. See also bath-rooms, 20, 102 sq. Buddha (1), Saints, and Tîrthakaras. Gîvala Kailaki, quoted, 12, 336. Ginns, created out of smokeless fire, Gîvanmukti, t.t., release of one 6, xiii, 246; 9, 258; subject to while still living. See Emancipation, birth and death, 6, xiji; the daugh- and Nirvana. ters of Allâh, 6, xiii ; Mohammed Gîw, son of Gûdarz, 5, 118. an apostle both for men and g., Gladness, goddess, worshipped at 6, xiv, 131, 9, 304 sq., 304 n.; the Pravargya, 44, 453. hysterical symptoms explained as Glâva Maitreya, other name of Vaka possession by g., 6, xxi; Mo- Dâlbhya, 1, 21. hammed's vision of g. crowding Glory, kingly G. and unconsumed G. around him, 6, xxx; Muslim belief worshipped, 31, 200, 206, 211, 217, in the g., 6, Ixix sq.; those who 221, 226. made the g. partners with God Glow-worm, seen disappear here rebuked, 6, 127 sq. and n.; 9, 174; and there in darkness, 8, 239. hell filled with g. and men, 6, 160, Gñâna, Sk., knowledge, pure intelli218; 9, 136; mankind and g. to- gence or thought, 34, xxv. gether could not produce the like Grânagupta, or Grânakûta, transof the Qur'ân, 9, 10; Iblîs was of lated the Fo-pen-hing-tsih-king, 19, the g., 9, 20; Mohan med said to xxix; Chinese translation of the be possessed by a g., 9, 69; work Saddharma-pundarika, by G. and for Solomon, 9, 101 sq., 151, 151 sq. Dharmagupta, 21, xix-xxi, xxiii. and n.; misbelievers believe in g., Gñana-kânda, Sk. t.t., the portion 9, 155; misbelievers among g, and (of the Veda) which relates to knowmen, 9, 226; listened to the Qur'an, ledge, and Karma-kânda, 1, lxiii, 9, 228; g. and mankind worship Txxx ; systematized by the Uttara God, 9, 248, 259 sq.; lonely places Mîmâmsâ, 34, x, xii; includes Aranhaunted by g., 9, 305 n.
yakas and Upanishads, 34, x; its Giribbaga, in Magadha, 10 (ii), 67. subject is the knowledge of BrahGirirâgaghosha, the 12th Tatha- man, 34, x; not limited to the gata, 49 (ii), 6.
higher castes only, 34, xi; in need Girirâgaghoshesvara, the 49th of systematic defence, 34, xi; two Tathâgata, 49 (ii), 6.
different parts of it, 34, xxvii; final Girls, see Woman.
escape from the samsâra to be Girnar, mount, on its summit Arish- obtained by the G. only, 34, xxix. tanemi reached Kevala, and died, See also Knowledge, Philosophy, and 22, 277, 279; Mount G. or Raiva- Veda (f). taka, sacred to Gainas and Hindus, Gîânâkara, n. of a son of a Buddha, 45, 115 n.
21, 157. Gishnu, a god, a name of the great Grâtriputra, see Mahâvîra. self, 8, 219, 332.
Grâtris, Mahâvîra of the clan of the,
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